张 辉,包红朵.噬菌体在食品生产和加工中的生物防控应用及思考[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(17):7030-7035
Bio-control application and thinking of bacteriophages in food production and processing
投稿时间:2021-04-05  修订日期:2021-08-19
中文关键词:  噬菌体  生物防控  抗菌
英文关键词:bacteriophages  bio-control  antibacterial
张 辉 江苏省食品质量安全重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地, 江苏省农业科学院农产品质量安全与营养研究所 
包红朵 江苏省食品质量安全重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地, 江苏省农业科学院农产品质量安全与营养研究所 
ZHANG Hui Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety-State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of MOST, Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
BAO Hong-Duo Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety-State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of MOST, Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
摘要点击次数: 470
全文下载次数: 308
      噬菌体以其突出的优势在生物防控和疾病治疗中扮演着重要角色, 不仅有效抑制致病菌延长食品货架期, 且具有特异无残留等优点。目前在农业、动物疾病防控、食品安全以及耐药性疾病治疗中的应用案例屡见不鲜, 许多国家已有噬菌体产品应运而生。噬菌体在食品生产“农场”和加工后“餐桌”的干预措施, 能够控制重要食源性病原, 如沙门氏菌、李斯特菌和大肠杆菌等。在“农场-餐桌”的供应链中, 噬菌体及其衍生物均能发挥重要作用, 有效抑制致病菌来保障农产品质量安全。本文就噬菌体在食品生物防控中的应用进展以及应用中存在的问题进行综述, 以期为噬菌体的应用开发提供参考。
      Bacteriophages plays an important role in bio-control and therapy because of its outstanding advantages. It not only effectively inhibit pathogens for prolonging the shelf life of foods, but also has advantages of specificity and no residue. At present, the application cases in agriculture, animal disease prevention and control, food safety and drug resistance disease treatment are prevalent, and many countries have developed bacteriophages products. Bacteriophages are viruses of bacteria that can be applied as pre-harvest and post-harvest interventions in food to reduce the foodborne pathogens, such as Salmonella, Listeria and E.coli. In the food supply chain of farm table, bacteriophages and its derivatives can play an important role in effectively inhibiting pathogenic bacteria to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products. This paper reviewed the application progress and problems of bacteriophages in food bio-control, in order to provide reference for the application and development of bacteriophages.
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