刘思洁,姜 楠,石 矛,马 杰,王 慧.我国调味品食品接触材料膳食暴露评估基础参数市场调查研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(16):6655-6660
Study on market investigation of exposure assessment basic parameters of food contact materials for condiments in China
投稿时间:2021-03-16  修订日期:2021-08-12
中文关键词:  食品接触材料  调味品  基础参数  市场调查
英文关键词:food contact materials  condiments  basic parameters  market investigation
刘思洁 吉林省疾病预防控制中心(吉林省公共卫生研究院) 
姜 楠 吉林省疾病预防控制中心(吉林省公共卫生研究院) 
石 矛 吉林省疾病预防控制中心(吉林省公共卫生研究院) 
马 杰 吉林省疾病预防控制中心(吉林省公共卫生研究院) 
王 慧 吉林省疾病预防控制中心(吉林省公共卫生研究院) 
LIU Si-Jie Jilin Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Jilin Provincial Institute of Public Health) 
JIANG Nan Jilin Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Jilin Provincial Institute of Public Health) 
SHI Mao Jilin Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Jilin Provincial Institute of Public Health) 
MA Jie Jilin Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Jilin Provincial Institute of Public Health) 
WANG Hui Jilin Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Jilin Provincial Institute of Public Health) 
摘要点击次数: 420
全文下载次数: 233
      目的 建立我国调味品食品接触材料膳食暴露评估基础参数。方法 采用接触面积法对调味品食品接触材料进行研究, 根据调查食品接触材料的相关数据信息获得接触面积法中食品接触材料与单位质量食品的接触面积参数。结果 共调查分析800份调味品, 获取相关数据25600个, 食品接触材料与单位质量或单位体积食品的接触面积(S/V)最大值为322.67 dm2/kg, 最小值为1.63 dm2/kg。本次调查中调味品S/V有86.9%的数据高于6 dm2/kg。结论 基于调味品市场调查构建的调味品食品接触材料基础参数为我国调味品食品接触材料安全性评估工作提供数据支持。
      Objective To establish the exposure assessment basic parameters of contact materials for condiments in China. Methods The contact area method was used to study the contact materials of condiments in this study. This method based on the contact area values, ratio of contact areas and unit mass, which were obtained from the investigation of the food contact materials. Results Through investigation and analysis, 800 kinds of condiments were obtained, and 25600 related datas were obtained, basically covering condiments of similar materials on the market. Maximum of contact area between food contact materials and food per unit mass or volume (S/V) was 322.67 dm2/kg, minimum of S/V was 1.63 dm2/kg. The S/V value of 86.9% was higher than 6 dm2/kg. Conclusion The basic parameters of condiments contact materials based on the market survey can provide data support for the safety assessment of condiments contact materials in China.
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