綦 峥,乐志威,韩馥蕊,冯雅杰,杨 明.甘薯多糖的性质与开发利用[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(10):3989-3993
Properties and exploitation of sweet potato polysaccharide
投稿时间:2021-02-26  修订日期:2021-04-02
中文关键词:  甘薯多糖  生物活性  前景展望  利用价值
英文关键词:sweet potato polysaccharide  biological activity  prospect forecast  utilization value
綦 峥 哈尔滨商业大学药物工程技术研究中心 
乐志威 哈尔滨商业大学药物工程技术研究中心 
韩馥蕊 哈尔滨商业大学药物工程技术研究中心 
冯雅杰 哈尔滨商业大学药物工程技术研究中心 
杨 明 哈尔滨商业大学药物工程技术研究中心 
QI Zheng Engineering Research Center for Medicine, Harbin University of Commerce 
LE Zhi-Wei Engineering Research Center for Medicine, Harbin University of Commerce 
HAN Fu-Rui Engineering Research Center for Medicine, Harbin University of Commerce 
FENG Ya-Jie Engineering Research Center for Medicine, Harbin University of Commerce 
YANG Ming Engineering Research Center for Medicine, Harbin University of Commerce 
摘要点击次数: 704
全文下载次数: 343
      甘薯是我国主要的粮食作物之一, 不仅具有食用价值, 还具有预防心脑血管疾病、糖尿病和降低癌症风险等药用价值。多糖是一类复杂的高分子碳水化合物, 与蛋白质、核酸和脂类构成生命体的四大基本物质。甘薯多糖是由甘薯果实中分离出的一类有特殊生物活性的多糖, 具有抗肿瘤、抗氧化、降血糖、调节免疫等生物活性。食用含甘薯多糖的制品有利于提高我国居民健康水平, 然而目前, 我国对于甘薯多糖的开发利用率不高, 造成大量的功能性成分浪费, 限制了甘薯多糖产业的发展。本文综述了近年来国内外甘薯多糖的性质及对其发展前景进行展望, 以期提高甘薯的综合利用价值, 为我国未被充分利用的大量甘薯提供其他可发展利用的可能性。
      Sweet potato is one of the main grain crops in China, which not only has edible value but also has medicinal value for preventing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and reducing cancer risk. Polysaccharides are a type of complex high molecular carbohydrates, and it is one of 4 basic substances composed of life with proteins, nucleic acids and lipids constitute. Sweet potato polysaccharide is a kind of polysaccharide with special biological activity isolated from sweet potato fruit. It has biological activities such as anti-tumor, anti-oxidation, lowering blood sugar, and regulating immunity. The basic health level of Chinese residents can be improved by intake the products that containing sweet potato polysaccharides. However, development and utilization of sweet potato polysaccharides are poor at present, resulting in huge waste of functional ingredients, which leads to limited development of the sweet potato polysaccharide in industry. This paper reviewed the properties of sweet potato polysaccharides at home and abroad in recent years, and prospected their development prospects and provided the theoretical basis in order to improve the comprehensive utilization value of sweet potato and provide other possibilities for the development and utilization of a large number of underutilized sweet potato in China.
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