张建军,唐轶君,李 晶,李靖媛,陈 瑗,崔学文.基于测试片法与平板计数法对不同类型食品中菌落总数结果的比较分析[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(14):5606-5612
Comparative analysis of the total number of colonies in different types of food based on the Petrifilm aerobic count method and plate count method
投稿时间:2021-02-24  修订日期:2021-07-14
中文关键词:  菌落总数  菌落测试片法  平板计数法  不同类型食品  配对t检验
英文关键词:total bacterial count  Petrifilm aerobic count method  plate count method  different types of food  paired t test
张建军 四川省食品药品检验检测院 
唐轶君 四川省食品药品检验检测院 
李 晶 四川省食品药品检验检测院 
李靖媛 四川省食品药品检验检测院 
陈 瑗 四川省食品药品检验检测院 
崔学文 四川省食品药品检验检测院 
ZHANG Jian-Jun Sichuan Institute for Food and Drug Control 
TANG Yi-Jun Sichuan Institute for Food and Drug Control 
LI Jing Sichuan Institute for Food and Drug Control 
LI Jing-Yuan Sichuan Institute for Food and Drug Control 
CHEN Yuan Sichuan Institute for Food and Drug Control 
CUI Xue-Wen Sichuan Institute for Food and Drug Control 
摘要点击次数: 805
全文下载次数: 325
      目的 比较菌落测试片法与平板计数法检测不同类型食品中菌落总数结果的差异。方法 在市面上随机抽取生肉制品、鲜奶制品、豆制品、粮食制品、冷冻饮品、坚果籽实、即食果蔬制品共112批, 同时按菌落测试片法和平板计数法进行菌落总数测定, 并对计数结果进行统计学分析。结果 菌落测试片法与平板计数法的测定结果对数值差值的平均值|d log|=0.06 (<0.5), 配对t检验P=0.860 (>0.05)。结论 菌落测试片法与平板计数法对上述7种类型的食品菌落总数测定结果无显著性差异, 菌落测试片法可用于上述食品的菌落总数测定。
      Objective To compare the difference between the Petrifilm aerobic count method and the plate count method to detect the total number of colonies in different types of food. Methods Totally 112 batches of samples from 7 kinds of food product, including raw meat, dairy, bean, grain foods, ice beverage, nuts and fruits and vegetable product were selected randomly from the market. At the same time, the total number of colonies was determined by Petrifilm aerobic count method and plate count method, and the counting results were statistically analyzed. Results The average of log differences between Petrifilm aerobic count method and plate count method |d log| was 0.06 (<0.5), the P value of paired t-test was 0.860 (>0.05). Conclusion There is no significant difference between the results of Petrifilm aerobic count method and plate count method in the determination of the total number of colonies in the above 7 types of foods. The Petrifilm aerobic count method can be used to determine the total number of colonies in the food.
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