刘 玉,王灵昭,何大星,李 蕙,潘守昊,邱春江,程远霞.HACCP体系在夹心海苔生产中的应用[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(8):3399-3404
Application of hazard analysis and critical control point system during the production of sandwich seaweed
投稿时间:2021-02-02  修订日期:2021-05-07
中文关键词:  夹心海苔  卫生调查  危害分析  关键控制点  菌落总数
英文关键词:sandwich seaweed  health survey  hazard analysis  critical control point  total bacterial count
基金项目:苏北科技专项项目(LYG-SZ 201927)、连云港市“海燕计划”项目(2019-QD-005)
刘 玉 江苏海洋大学食品科学与工程学院;连云港市质量技术综合检验检测中心 
王灵昭 江苏海洋大学食品科学与工程学院 
何大星 连云港市质量技术综合检验检测中心 
李 蕙 连云港顺驿紫菜加工有限公司 
潘守昊 江苏海洋大学食品科学与工程学院 
邱春江 江苏海洋大学食品科学与工程学院 
程远霞 江苏海洋大学食品科学与工程学院 
LIU Yu College of Food Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Ocean University;Lianyungang Comprehensive Inspection and Testing Center for Quality and Technology 
WANG Ling-Zhao College of Food Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Ocean University 
HE Da-Xing Lianyungang Comprehensive Inspection and Testing Center for Quality and Technology 
LI Hui Lianyungang Shunyi Laver Processing Limited Company 
PAN Shou-Hao College of Food Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Ocean University 
QIU Chun-Jiang College of Food Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Ocean University 
CHENG Yuan-Xia College of Food Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Ocean University 
摘要点击次数: 650
全文下载次数: 495
      目的 基于夹心海苔生产工艺, 结合Z企业生产实际, 在夹心海苔生产领域构建危害分析与关键控制点(hazard analysis and critical control point, HACCP)体系, 提高夹心海苔生产安全性和产品质量。方法 通过对Z企业夹心海苔生产过程中车间空气、工作人员手部、工作服、设备、工器具、生产物料及内包装材料的卫生情况进行调查, 开展危害分析, 确定关键控制点并制定和验证HACCP计划。结果 对夹心海苔生产的各道工序进行危害分析, 确定原辅材料验收、烘烤、计量包装3个关键控制点, 制定并验证了HACCP计划。成品菌落总数合格率由92%提高至100%, HACCP体系应用效果显著。结论 在夹心海苔生产领域构建HACCP体系能够减少和预防产品不合格率, 为夹心海苔终产品提供质量安全保障, 降低食品安全风险。
      Objective To establish the hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system in the field of sandwich seaweed production to improve the production safety and product quality of sandwich seaweed based on the production process of sandwich seaweed and combined with the production practice of Z enterprise. Methods Based on the investigation of the hygienic conditions of air, hands, work clothes, equipment, tools, production materials and inner packaging materials in the production process of sandwich seaweed in Z enterprise, hazard analysis was carried out to determine the critical control points and formulate and verify the HACCP plan. Results Hazard analysis was carried out in each process of sandwich seaweed production. Three key control points including raw and auxiliary materials acceptance, baking and metering packaging were determined. HACCP plan was formulated and verified. The results showed that the qualified rate of total bacterial count of finished products increased from 92% to 100%, and the application effect of HACCP system was remarkable. Conclusion The construction of HACCP system in the field of sandwich seaweed production can reduce and prevent the unqualified rate of products, provide quality and safety guarantee for the end products of sandwich seaweed, and reduce the risk of food safety.
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