胡情情,孙仁修,黄朱梁,王萍亚,赵 进,管 峰.鱼翅及其真伪鉴定技术研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(8):2967-2973
Research progress of shark fin and its authenticity identification technology
投稿时间:2020-12-03  修订日期:2021-05-09
中文关键词:  鱼翅  掺假  鉴定技术
英文关键词:shark fin  adulteration  identification technique
胡情情 中国计量大学生命科学学院 
孙仁修 山东省畜牧总站 
黄朱梁 山东省畜牧总站 
王萍亚 舟山市食品药品检验检测研究院 
赵 进 中国计量大学生命科学学院 
管 峰 中国计量大学生命科学学院 
HU Qing-Qing College of Life Sciences, China Jiliang University 
SUN Ren-Xiu Animal Husbandry General Station of Shandong Province 
HUANG Zhu-Liang Animal Husbandry General Station of Shandong Province 
WANG Ping-Ya Zhoushan Institute for Food and Drug Inspection and Testing 
ZHAO Jin College of Life Sciences, China Jiliang University 
GUAN Feng College of Life Sciences, China Jiliang University 
摘要点击次数: 587
全文下载次数: 527
      鱼翅是鲨鱼鳍软骨制品, 是我国传统的名贵海珍品。由于不同鱼翅的价格悬殊, 一些不法商贩通过以次充好、以假乱真和错误标识等手段谋取利益, 损害消费者权益。另一方面, 鲨鱼的捕捞加速了部分濒危鲨鱼物种数量的急剧减少, 甚至造成物种灭绝, 破坏了生态平衡。因此, 国内外开展了对鱼翅真伪及其鉴定技术研究, 对打击掺假制假行为和鲨鱼保护都具有重要的经济和社会意义。本文分析了鱼翅的营养价值、鱼翅贸易现状以及鱼翅掺假危害, 并着重综述国内外鱼翅真伪鉴定相关技术优缺点以及相应案例, 阐明当前以DNA鉴定技术为核心, 形态学鉴定和理化鉴定技术为辅的鱼翅真伪鉴定策略, 为鱼翅鉴定和鲨鱼种类鉴定的相关研究提供理论基础和技术参考。
      Shark fin is shark fin cartilage products, which is traditional precious seafood in China. Due to the great disparity in the prices of different shark’s fins, some illegal peddlers seek profits by using shoddy work, fake and false labeling and other means, to the detriment of the rights and interests of consumers. On the other hand, shark fishing has accelerated the dramatic decline in the number of some endangered shark species and even caused species extinction, undermining the ecological balance. Therefore, researches on the authenticity and identification technology of shark fin have been carried out in China and abroad, which are of great economic and social significance to crack down on the adulteration and counterfeiting and to protect sharks. This review analyzed the nutritional value of shark fin, the current status of trade in shark fin and the harm of shark fin adulteration, and focused on summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of shark fin authenticity identification technology and the corresponding cases in China and abroad, clarified the current shark fin authenticity identification strategy with DNA identification technology as the core, morphological identification and physical and chemical identification technology as the supplement, which would provide a theoretical basis and technical reference for the related research on shark fin identification and shark species identification.
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