刘 茹,焦成瑾,杨玲娟,赵菲佚.酶固定化研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(5):1861-1869
Advances of enzyme immobilization
投稿时间:2020-11-23  修订日期:2020-12-27
中文关键词:  酶固定化  纳米载体  金属有机骨架材料  定向固定技术
英文关键词:enzyme immobilization  nanocarriers  metal organic framework materials  directional immobilization technology
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31260568, 31660153)、天水师范学院2019年研究生创新引导项目(TYCX1906)
刘 茹 天水师范学院生物工程与技术学院;天水师范学院硫生物技术研究所 
焦成瑾 天水师范学院生物工程与技术学院;天水师范学院硫生物技术研究所 
杨玲娟 天水师范学院硫生物技术研究所;天水师范学院化学工程与技术学院 
赵菲佚 天水师范学院生物工程与技术学院;天水师范学院硫生物技术研究所 
LIU Ru College of Biological Engineering and Technology, Tianshui Normal University;Institute of Sulfur Biotechnology, Tianshui Normal University 
JIAO Cheng-Jin College of Biological Engineering and Technology, Tianshui Normal University;Institute of Sulfur Biotechnology, Tianshui Normal University 
YANG Ling-Juan Institute of Sulfur Biotechnology, Tianshui Normal University;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianshui Normal University 
ZHAO Fei-Yi College of Biological Engineering and Technology, Tianshui Normal University;Institute of Sulfur Biotechnology, Tianshui Normal University 
摘要点击次数: 720
全文下载次数: 724
      由于酶催化的特异性、高效性和温和性, 酶的工业化利用一直是酶工程领域的研究热点。酶固定化是酶工程发展的必然趋势。固定化酶已在众多工业生产中发挥越来越重要的作用, 围绕酶固定的载体材料开发与固定技术研究进展很快。传统酶固定化主要包括吸附、包埋、结合或化学交联等技术, 然而固定化酶的稳定性、牢固性及催化效率等与工业实际应用仍具有很大差距。近年来, 随着纳米技术、高分子材料化学、表面化学、蛋白质结构分析及分子生物学等学科的快速发展, 新型载体材料和固定化技术不断涌现。以纳米载体材料、纳米磁性材料、金属有机骨架复合材料为代表的新型固定载体以及以定向化学修饰研究为代表的固定化技术取得了显著进展。本文重点对酶固定的纳米载体、金属有机骨架材料以及定向修饰固定技术进行了简要综述, 同时对研究前景作了简要展望。
      Due to the specificity, high efficiency and mildness of enzyme catalysis, the industrial utilization of enzymes has always been a research hotspot in the field of enzyme engineering. Enzyme immobilization is an inevitable trend in the development of enzyme engineering. Immobilized enzymes have played an increasingly important role in many industrial productions. The great progressions have been made in the development of carrier materials and technologies for enzyme immobilization. Traditional technologies of enzyme immobilization mainly include such as adsorption, embedding, binding, and chemical cross-linking. However, the stability, firmness, and catalytic efficiency of immobilized enzymes still lag far behind industrial applications. In recent years, with the rapid development of disciplines such as nanotechnology, polymer material chemistry, surface chemistry, protein structure analysis, and molecular biology, the novel carrier materials and immobilization technologies have continued to emerge. Significant progress has been made in new types of immobilization carriers represented by nano-carrier materials, nano-magnetic materials, and metal-organic framework composite materials, as well as immobilization technologies represented by directional chemical modification research. This paper focused on a brief overview of enzyme-immobilized nanocarriers, metal-organic framework materials, as well as directional modification and immobilization technologies. Finally, a brief outlook on the research prospects was also presented.
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