张 力,张艳霞,李亚梅.益生菌对雌激素代谢及部分妇科相关疾病影响的研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(4):1421-1426
Research progress on the effect of probiotics on estrogen metabolism and some gynecological diseases
投稿时间:2020-11-13  修订日期:2021-01-03
中文关键词:  益生菌  雌激素  部分妇科疾病
英文关键词:probiotics  estrogen  partial gynecological diseases
张 力 华北医疗健康集团邯矿总医院 
张艳霞 邯郸市妇幼保健医院 
李亚梅 邯郸市妇幼保健医院 
ZHANG Li Hankuang General Hospital of North China Medical Health Group 
ZHANG Yan-Xia Handan Maternal and Child Health Hospital 
LI Ya-Mei Handan Maternal and Child Health Hospital 
摘要点击次数: 586
全文下载次数: 470
      人类肠道内包含的微生物与人类宿主之间保持着动态平衡, 一旦发生微生物群落失调, 可能会影响雌激素的代谢从而导致很多相关妇科疾病。妇科疾病可能改变全身各部位的微生物群, 而微生物群的组成可以影响妇科疾病的疗效。食品益生菌是服用一定数量后对人体健康有益的活的微生物, 通过益生菌对微生物群进行调节, 可能有助于提高妇科疾病的治疗效果。本文综述了雌激素代谢与常见妇科疾病的关系, 分析了益生菌调控体内雌激素代谢的主要途径, 并总结了益生菌在常见妇科疾病防治上的应用, 以期为食品益生菌在雌激素依赖性妇科疾病的预防和治疗提供理论参考。
      There is a dynamic balance between the microorganisms in the human intestine and the human host. Once the microbial community is out of balance, it may affect the metabolism of estrogen, which leads to many related gynecological diseases. Gynecological diseases may change the microbial groups in all parts of the body, in turn, the composition of the microbiota can affect the efficacy of gynecologic diseases. Food probiotics are living microorganisms that are beneficial to human health after taking a certain amount. The regulation of the microbiota through probiotics may help improve the treatment effect of gynecological diseases. This paper reviewed the relationship between estrogen metabolism and common gynecological diseases, analyzed the main ways of probiotics regulating estrogen metabolism in vivo, and summarized the application of probiotics in prevention and treatment of common gynecological diseases, in order to provide theoretical reference for the prevention and treatment of estrogen dependent gynecological diseases by probiotics.
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