刘 娜.儿童食物过敏及其饮食干预治疗研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(5):1877-1882
Research progress of food allergy and dietary intervention in children
投稿时间:2020-11-12  修订日期:2021-01-13
中文关键词:  儿童食物过敏  致敏食物  过敏机制  发病因素  诊治方法
英文关键词:food allergy in children  allergenic food  allergic mechanisms  pathogenic factors  diagnosis and treatment methods
刘 娜 河北北方学院附属第一医院 
LIU Na The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University 
摘要点击次数: 481
全文下载次数: 383
      食物过敏是指由人体免疫系统介导的食物不良反应, 常见皮肤、消化道、呼吸道症状, 如特应性鼻炎等疾病, 严重会出现休克等现象。儿童作为食物过敏易感人群, 其生长发育极易受到影响, 并且近年来全球儿童食物过敏人群逐年增长, 因此对于儿童食物过敏进行预防和治疗有着十分重要的意义。但目前关于儿童食物过敏的流行病学资料仍然比较缺乏, 通过查阅中英文文献, 本文对儿童食物过敏的常见致敏食物、过敏机制、发病因素及诊治方法进行综述, 为食物过敏的预防和治疗方向提供一定的理论依据。
      Food allergy refers to food adverse reactions mediated by human immune system. People with food allergies often have skin, digestive, and respiratory symptoms, such as atopic rhinitis, and severe shocks. As a susceptible population of food allergy, children's growth and development are easily affected, so it is of great significance to prevent and treat children's food allergy. However, the current epidemiological data on children's food allergies is still lacking. By consulting Chinese and English literatures, this paper reviewed the common allergenic food, allergic mechanisms, pathogenic factors, diagnosis and treatment methods of children's food allergie, in order to provide a certain theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of food allergy.
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