秦晓娟,李 锦,刘玉欣,燕 阔,卢振敏.燃烧法测定保健品中蛋白质含量的不确定度评定[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(5):1715-1719
Uncertainty evaluation for determination of protein in health care products by combustion method
投稿时间:2020-11-10  修订日期:2021-02-08
中文关键词:  燃烧法  保健品  蛋白质  不确定度
英文关键词:combustion method  health care products  protein  uncertainty
秦晓娟 河北省疾病预防控制中心 
李 锦 河北省疾病预防控制中心 
刘玉欣 河北省疾病预防控制中心 
燕 阔 河北省疾病预防控制中心 
卢振敏 河北省疾病预防控制中心 
QIN Xiao-Juan Hebei Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
LI Jin Hebei Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
LIU Yu-Xin Hebei Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
YAN Kuo Hebei Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
LU Zhen-Min Hebei Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
摘要点击次数: 513
全文下载次数: 257
      目的 评定燃烧法测定保健品中蛋白质含量的不确定度。方法 采用燃烧法测定保健食品中蛋白质含量, 依据实验方法建立数学模型, 并依据JJF 1059.1—2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》, 分析不确定度的来源, 计算扩展不确定度。结果 燃烧法测定某品牌保健品中蛋白质含量为(13.8±0.2) g/100 g, k=2。结论 不确定度的主要来源为重复性测定。实验中可通过增加平行测定的次数等来减小不确定度。
      Objective To evaluate the uncertainty for determination of protein in health care products by combustion method. Methods The content of protein in health care products was determined by combustion method. A mathematical model was established based on the experiment method. According to JJF 1059.1—2012 Evaluation and expression of uncertainty in measurement, the sources of uncertainty were analyzed and the extended uncertainty was calculated. Results The content of protein in the brand health care product determined by combustion method was (13.8±0.2) g/100 g, k=2. Conclusion The main source of the uncertainty is repeatability measurement. In the experiment, the uncertainty can be reduced by increasing the number of parallel measurement.
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