王 岩,吴同俊,滕晶晶,杨同金,夏 新.DL-丙氨酸对SD大鼠的致畸性研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2021,12(4):1538-1542
Study on teratogenicity of DL-alanine in SD rats
投稿时间:2020-10-28  修订日期:2021-01-19
中文关键词:  DL-丙氨酸  SD大鼠  致畸毒性
英文关键词:DL-alanine  SD rats  teratogenic toxicity
王 岩 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 
吴同俊 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 
滕晶晶 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 
杨同金 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 
夏 新 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 
WANG Yan Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
WU Tong-Jun Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
TENG Jing-Jing Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
YANG Tong-Jin Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
XIA Xin Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
摘要点击次数: 585
全文下载次数: 389
      目的 研究DL-丙氨酸对SD大鼠的致畸毒性。方法 实验设阴性对照组(纯水)、阳性对照组(环磷酰胺15 mg/kg)和DL-丙氨酸3个剂量组(10000、5000和2500 mg/kg), 各组孕鼠于受孕的第6~15 d给予受试物, 实验期间称孕鼠体质量。第20 d处死, 剖腹取出子宫, 检查孕鼠胚胎形成情况, 检查胎鼠生长发育、外观、内脏及骨骼畸形情况。结果 DL-丙氨酸10000 mg/kg组孕鼠体质量增重与对照组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05), 其余各组均无显著性差异(P>0.05); 各剂量组孕期子宫连重、体质量增重、体质量净增重与对照组比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05); 各剂量组胎鼠生长发育、胚胎形成、外观、内脏和骨骼均未见畸形。结论 在本实验条件下DL-丙氨酸对SD大鼠无明显致畸性。
      Objective To study the teratogenicity of DL-alanine in SD rats. Methods The rats were divided into 3 dosage groups: negative control group (pure water), positive control group (cyclophosphamide 15 mg/kg) and DL-alanine (10000, 5000 and 2500 mg/kg). The pregnant rats in each group were given the test substances in the 6th to 15th day of conception. During the experiment, the body weight of pregnant rats was measured. On the 20th day, the rats were sacrificed, and the uterus was taken out by laparotomy. The embryonic formation of the pregnant rats was examined, as well as their growth, appearance, visceral and skeletal malformations. Results There was significant difference in body weight gain of pregnant rats between DL-alanine 10000 mg/kg group and the control group (P<0.05), but no significant difference was found in other groups (P>0.05). There were no significant differences in uterine weight gain, body weight gain and net body weight gain in all dose groups compared with control group (P>0.05). There were no deformities in growth, embryogenesis, appearance, viscera and bone of fetal mice in each dose group. Conclusion Under this experimental condition, DL-alanine had no obvious teratogenicity in SD rats.
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