Analysis of amino acids for Hakka rice wines from Guangdong Heyuan
投稿时间:2020-08-24  修订日期:2020-12-09
中文关键词:  客家黄酒  水解氨基酸  味道强度  味道指数  氨基酸评价
英文关键词:Hakka rice wine  hydrolyzed amino acid  taste characteristics  taste index  evaluation of amino acids
高云超 广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所 
宫晓波 广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所 
杨春英 广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所 
池建伟 广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所 
杨春丽 广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所 
林耀盛 广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所 
姚锡缜 广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所 
李振伟 广东河源绿纯食品有限公司 
肖丽梅 广东河源绿纯食品有限公司 
GAO Yun-Chao Sericulture and Agri-food Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
GONG Xiao-Bo Sericulture and Agri-food Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
YANG Chun-Ying Sericulture and Agri-food Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
CHI Jian-Wei Sericulture and Agri-food Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
YANG Chun-Li Sericulture and Agri-food Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
LIN Yao-Sheng Sericulture and Agri-food Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
YAO Xi-Zhen Sericulture and Agri-food Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
LI Zhen-Wei Guangdong Heyuan Luchun Food Limited Corporation 
XIAO Li-Mei Guangdong Heyuan Luchun Food Limited Corporation 
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      目的 分析广东客家黄酒关键工艺对氨基酸的组成、含量以及呈味特征的影响。方法 采用日立氨基酸自动分析仪, 分析测定氨基酸含量, 计算氨基酸分值、味道强度值(dose-over-threshold, DoT)等指标确定氨基酸对黄酒的影响。结果 客家黄酒中总氨基酸含量在2658.99~5420.63 mg/L之间, 其中黑豆黄酒各氨基酸含量及总量最高, 商品板栗黄酒氨基酸含量最低, 客家黄酒中最主要的氨基酸是谷氨酸和天冬氨酸, 两者合计占氨基酸总量的20%以上, 而胱氨酸、蛋氨酸和苯丙氨酸含量最低, 是限制性氨基酸。计算不同酒样氨基酸的味道强度只有谷氨酸(Glu)的DoT值大于1, 说明黄酒中决定口味的氨基酸主要是谷氨酸。本研究中黄酒的味道指数(taste index, TI)排序为: 商品黑豆黄酒>绍兴古越龙山花雕酒>商品板栗糯米酒>贮藏1年的板栗糯米原酒>炙酒后的原酒>商品普通糯米酒>炙酒前原酒>1。结论 基于对客家黄酒中17种水解氨基酸的分析, 表明不同的原料、发酵过程、炙酒方法、贮存时间等因素对氨基酸组成和含量影响较大, 本研究中使用剂量比域因子(DoT)方法和味道指数(TI)方法能够较好地反映出黄酒中不同氨基酸对味道的作用和贡献。
      Objective To analyze the influence of key techniques on the composition, content and taste characteristics of amino acids in Hakka rice wine in Guangdong province. Methods The automatic amino acid analyzer was used to detect the amino acids content, and the effects of amino acids on Hakka rice wine were determined by calculating amino acid score, dose over threshold factor (DoT), taste index and other indicators. Results The total amino acid contents of Hakka rice wines were from 2658.99 mg/L to 5420.63 mg/L, the content of total amino acid and amino acids for black soybean wine were highest among all rice wines, the chestnut rice wine was the lowest in content, the main amino acids in Hakka rice wine were glutamic acid and aspartic acid, both of which account for more than 20% of the total amino acids in every rice wine, while cystine, methionine and phenylalanine are the lowest in amino acids for test, which were limiting amino acids. The taste dose-over-threshold factor (DoT) of amino acids in different wine samples was calculated, only the DoT value of Glu was greater than 1, which indicated that the glutamic acid was the most important one in the rice wines, and it determines the taste for rice wines. The order of the taste index(TI) was, black soybean rice wine>Shaoxing Guyue Longshan Huadiao rice wine>chestnut rice wine>chestnut rice wine stored for one year>raw rice wine after heat>traditional Hakka rice wine>raw rice wine before heat>1. Conclusion Based on the analysis of 17 hydrolyzed amino acids in Hakka rice wine, the different raw materials, fermentation process, brewing method, storage times and other factors have great influence on amino acid composition and content. The taste dose over threshold factor (DoT) and taste index (TI) methods are appropriately used to determine the effect and contribution of different amino acids to the taste in Hakka rice wine.
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