Analysis of sodium labeling in nutrition label of prepackaged foods
投稿时间:2020-08-21  修订日期:2020-12-08
中文关键词:  预包装食品  营养标签    特殊膳食食品
英文关键词:prepackaged food  nutrition label  sodium  food for special dietary uses
蚁碧珍 广东省食品工业公共实验室;广东省食品工业研究所有限公司;广东省食品质量监督检验站 
杨婷婷 广东省食品工业公共实验室;广东省食品工业研究所有限公司;广东省食品质量监督检验站 
曾健莹 广东省食品工业公共实验室;广东省食品工业研究所有限公司;广东省食品质量监督检验站 
YI Bi-Zhen Guangdong Provincial Public Laboratory of Food Industry;Guangdong Food Industry Institute Co., Ltd;Guangdong Food Quality Supervision and Inspection Station 
YANG Ting-Ting Guangdong Provincial Public Laboratory of Food Industry;Guangdong Food Industry Institute Co., Ltd;Guangdong Food Quality Supervision and Inspection Station 
ZENG Jian-Ying Guangdong Provincial Public Laboratory of Food Industry;Guangdong Food Industry Institute Co., Ltd;Guangdong Food Quality Supervision and Inspection Station 
摘要点击次数: 605
全文下载次数: 1090
      矿物质钠作为核心营养素之一, 在我国GB 28050—2011《预包装食品营养标签通则》中已被列为强制标示的营养成分。本文通过阐述预包装食品营养标签中钠的标示要求, 分析钠的标示常见问题及实例; 同时对比GB 13432—2013《预包装特殊膳食用食品标签》与GB 28050—2011中钠的允许误差范围判定区别; 总结钠的营养标签标示易错点及在保质期内钠含量的实测值超出允许误差范围所需关注情况。本研究有助于切实维护消费者利益, 正确指导生产企业规范合理标示, 同时建议进一步研究监管上如何科学合理评判婴幼儿特殊膳食食品标签钠的标识合规性。
      As one of the core nutrients, mineral sodium has been listed as a compulsory nutritional component in the GB 28050—2011 General rules of nutritional labeling of prepackaged food in China. This paper expounded the requirements of sodium labeling in prepackaged food nutrition labels, analyzed the common problems and examples, summarized the error-prone points of sodium labeling and the concerns that the measured value of sodium content in the shelf life exceeded the allowable error range, and compared the allowable error range of sodium between GB 13432—2013 Labeling of prepackaged foods for special dietary uses and GB 28050—2011. This study is conducive to effectively safeguard the interests of consumers, correctly guides production enterprises to standardize and rationally label, and at the same time, suggestions on how to evaluate the compliance of sodium products scientifically and reasonably are put forward.
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