Research progress of anthocyanins against cardiovascular diseases
投稿时间:2020-07-21  修订日期:2020-09-07
中文关键词:  花色苷  心血管疾病  抗氧化
英文关键词:anthocyanins  cardiovascular diseases  antioxidant
买尔旦•玉苏甫 新疆医科大学药学院 
努丽比亚•买合木提 新疆医科大学药学院 
周文婷 新疆医科大学药学院 
MAIERDAN Yu-Su-Fu College of Pharmacy, Xinjiang Medical University 
NULIBIYA Mai-He-Mu-Ti College of Pharmacy, Xinjiang Medical University 
ZHOU Wen-Ting College of Pharmacy, Xinjiang Medical University 
摘要点击次数: 531
全文下载次数: 276
      心血管疾病是严重危害人类健康的疾病之一、是世界范围内一个主要的死亡原因, 心血管疾病死亡率占居民总死亡率的40%以上, 高于肿瘤及其他疾病, 每年对社会带来巨大的健康问题和经济负担。花色苷是花色素与糖通过糖苷键形成的黄酮类化合物, 广泛存在于被子植物的根、叶、茎、花和果实的细胞中, 是植物呈现绚丽色彩的因素, 并被认为是合成色素的最完美替代品。花色苷作为一种安全、无毒、资源丰富的天然色素具有一定的药理作用, 在在保健食品和医药领域具有巨大应用潜力。花色苷具有抗氧化、抗炎、抗癌、降血糖以及心血管保护等多种生物活性, 因此本文介绍了花色苷的种类、分子结构以及其抗心血管疾病的作用, 以期为今后的研究提供参考依据。
      Cardiovascular disease is one of the diseases that seriously endanger human health. It is an important cause of death worldwide. The mortality rate of cardiovascular disease accounts for more than 40% of the total mortality, higher than that of tumors and other diseases. It brings huge health problems and economic burden to the society every year. Anthocyanins are flavonoid compounds formed by glycosidic bonds between anthocyanins and sugars. Anthocyanins are widely distributed in the roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits of angiosperms. They are responsible for attractive colors of plants and are considered the most perfect substitutes for synthetic pigments. Anthocyanin, as a safe and non-toxic natural pigment with abundant resources, has certain pharmacological effects, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and cardiovascular protection, and great potential in the field of health food and medicine. This review summarized the types, molecular structure of anthocyanins and the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, aiming to provide a basis for future research.
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