杨 洁,朱晓玲.丁香酚在水产品中的残留及风险评估研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(18):6523-6529
Research progress of eugenol residue and risk assessment in aquatic products
投稿时间:2020-06-10  修订日期:2020-09-13
中文关键词:  鲜活水产品  丁香酚  麻醉剂  风险评估
英文关键词:fresh aquatic products  eugenol  anesthetic  risk assessment
杨 洁 南京市食品药品监督检验院 
朱晓玲 湖北省食品质量安全监督检验研究院 
YANG Jie Nanjing Institute for Food and Drug Control 
ZHU Xiao-Ling Hubei Provincial Institute for Food Supervision and Test 
摘要点击次数: 667
全文下载次数: 333
      受我国南北气候、地理环境和养殖条件的限制, 鲜活水产品需要经过长途运输来满足不同市场的需求。而运输过程中鲜活水产品受应激胁迫、机体受伤感染、水质恶化等因素影响, 不仅引起水产品存活率降低, 而且造成产品质量下降。丁香酚有较强的麻醉作用, 广泛应用于口腔牙科麻醉, 现也作为渔用麻醉剂应用到鲜活水产品的运输过程中。本文通过对丁香酚国内外标准规定、使用现状、麻醉机理和应用、残留检测方法、残留风险评估以及前景展望等方面进行说明和探讨, 以期为我国丁香酚在水产养殖运输环节中的合理使用提供依据和参考。
      Restricted by the north-south climate, geographical environment and culture conditions in China, fresh aquatic products need to be transported over long distances to meet the needs of different markets. During transportation, fresh aquatic products are affected by factors such as stress, injury and infection, and deterioration of water quality, which not only causes a decrease in the survival rate of aquatic products, but also causes a decline in product quality. Eugenol has a strong anesthetic effect and is widely used in oral dental anesthesia. It is also used as a fishery anesthetic in the transportation of fresh aquatic products. This article explained and discussed the domestic and foreign standards and regulations of eugenol, its use status, anesthesia mechanism and application, residue detection methods, residue risk assessment and prospects, so as to provide the basis and reference for the reasonable use of eugenol in aquaculture transportation in China.
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