王 曦,苏章庭,李 宏,周 露.平板计数法与纸片法检测食品微生物菌落总数的比较研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(16):5489-5493
Comparison of plate counting method with paper slice method for detecting total bacterial count in food
投稿时间:2020-05-27  修订日期:2020-08-05
中文关键词:  菌落总数  平板计数法  纸片法
英文关键词:total number of colonies  plate count method  paper disk method
王 曦 广东省食品检验所 
苏章庭 广东省食品检验所 
李 宏 中国合格评定国家认可中心 
周 露 广东省食品检验所 
WANG Xi Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
SU Zhang-Ting Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
LI Hong China National Accreditation Service for Conformitey Assessment 
ZHOU Lu Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
摘要点击次数: 827
全文下载次数: 499
      目的 找出平板倾注法与纸片法2种检测食品菌落总数方法之间的相关性, 判断2种方法有无显著性差异。方法 样品处理按GB 4789.2-2016《食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 菌落总数测定》进行处理, 平板倾注法取样品稀释液接种平皿倾注琼脂、纸片法取样品稀释液接种细菌计数纸片。用上述2种方法对市场上随机抽取30份饼干及糕点和2份质控样品进行菌落总数检测, 最后做统计学分析(t-test)。结果 倾注法与纸片法检测结果无显著差异(P>0.05)且对不同菌落数区间(0~100 CFU/g、100~1000 CFU/g、1000~ 10000 CFU/g)都适用。2份质控样品评价结果为满意。结论 纸片法可用于食品菌落总数的快速检测, 缩短检测流程, 提高工作效率。
      Objective To find out the correlation between the plate pouring method and the paper disk method to detect the total bacterial count in food, and judge whether there is significant difference between the two methods. Methods The samples were treated according to GB 4789.2-2016 National Food Safety Standard-Microbiological Examination of Food-Determination of Total Bacterial Count. Sample diluent was inoculated with plate pouring method, agar was poured into plate, and sample diluent was inoculated with bacteria counting paper by paper disk method. The above two methods were used to detect the total number of colonies of 30 biscuits and cakes and 2 quality control samples randomly selected from the market, and statistical analysis (t-test) was performed. Results There was no significant difference between the results of plate pouring method and paper disk method (P>0.05), and it was applicable to different colony number ranges (0–100 CFU/g, 100–1000 CFU/g, 1000–10000 CFU/g). The evaluation results of 2 kinds of quality control samples were satisfactory. Conclusion The paper disk method can be used to detect the total number of food colonies quickly, which can shorten the detection process and improve the work efficiency.
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