熊 欣,刘嘉飞,蔡展帆,梁旭霞,章锦涵,张佩霞,周忆莲,林辉焕.主成分分析技术对葡萄酒产地进行溯源[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(16):5477-5484
Trace of geographical origin of wine by principal component analysis
投稿时间:2020-05-27  修订日期:2020-08-13
中文关键词:  产地溯源  葡萄酒  主成分分析  无机元素
英文关键词:geographical origin  wine  principal component analysis  inorganic elements
熊 欣 广东省食品检验所 
刘嘉飞 广东省食品检验所 
蔡展帆 广东省食品检验所 
梁旭霞 广东省食品检验所 
章锦涵 广东省食品检验所 
张佩霞 广东省食品检验所 
周忆莲 广东省食品检验所 
林辉焕 广东省食品检验所 
XIONG Xin Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
LIU Jia-Fei Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
CAI Zhan-Fan Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
LIANG Xu-Xia Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
ZHANG Jin-Han Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
ZHANG Pei-Xia Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
ZHOU Yi-Lian Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
LIN Hui-Huan Guangdong Institute of Food Inspection 
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全文下载次数: 532
      目的 采用主成分分析技术对法国和山东产区的葡萄酒进行产地溯源。方法 利用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, ICP-MS)、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry, ICP-OES)测定葡萄酒中30种无机元素及部分元素同位素含量, 获取其中的元素成分信息, 结合化学计量学中主成分分析技术(principal component analysis, PCA), 分析不同地域样品的特征元素变量, 研究筛选元素特征指纹。结果 PCA分析筛选出2个主成分因子, 能对中国山东、法国波尔多产地的葡萄酒进行良好区分。利用PCA分析方法对中国山东、法国波尔多产区的葡萄酒样品的14种组分进行分析, 筛选出6Li、7Li、10B、11B、Mg (280.270 nm)、P(213.618 nm)、Zn(213.857 nm)7种特征元素。 结论 该方法有望被应用于葡萄酒的产地溯源, 可以为食品产地溯源技术的发展完善及相关部门的反欺诈监管提供技术积累。
      Objective To trace the origin of wine in France and Shandong by principal component analysis. Methods The content of 30 inorganic elements and some element isotopes in wine was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), to obtain the element composition information. Combined with the technology of principal component analysis (PCA), the characteristic element variables of samples from different regions were analyzed to research the screening of the characteristic elements. Results Two principal component factors were successfully filtered out using PCA method to accurately distinguish wines from Shandong (in China) and Bordeaux (in France). Totally 14 groups of components in wine from Shandong and Bordeaux were analyzed through PCA method, and 6Li, 7Li, 10B, 11B, Mg (280.270 nm), P (213.618 nm) and Zn (213.857 nm) were found out to be the characteristic elements for determining the geographical origin of wine. Conclusion This method is expected to be applied for wine origin traceability, which can provide technology accumulation for the development and improvement of food origin traceability technology and anti fraud supervision of relevant departments.
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