王 聪,赵晓宇,张会亮,王海燕,孙 磊.中国与国际食品法典委员会动物食品兽药残留标准的比对分析[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(19):7164-7169
Comparative analysis on maximum residue limits for veterinary drugs in animal-derived food between China and Codex Alimentarius Commission standards
投稿时间:2020-04-19  修订日期:2020-09-25
中文关键词:  动物食品  兽药残留  国家标准  国际食品法典委员会  最大残留限量
英文关键词:foodstuff of animal origin  veterinary drug residues  national standard  Codex Alimentarius Commission  maximum residue limit
王 聪 中国食品药品检定研究院 
赵晓宇 中国食品药品检定研究院 
张会亮 中国食品药品检定研究院 
王海燕 中国食品药品检定研究院 
孙 磊 中国食品药品检定研究院 
WANG Cong National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 
ZHAO Xiao-Yu National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 
ZHANG Hui-Liang National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 
WANG Hai-Yan National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 
SUN Lei National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 
摘要点击次数: 581
全文下载次数: 454
      目的 对中国新实施的兽药残留标准与国际食品法典委员会的兽药残留限量指标进行比对, 并对结果进行分析。方法 对我国兽药限量相关标准GB 31650-2019《食品安全国家标准 食品中兽药最大残留限量》, 以及农业农村部公告第250号和国际食品法典委员会标准CX/MRL 2-2018《食品中兽药残留的最大残留限量和风险管理建议》规定的兽药种类、涉及的物种及部位、残留限量进行逐级比对。结果 在可比指标中, 我国与国际食品法典委员会限量相同的指标有316个, 占全部可比指标的94.3%; 我国比国际食品法典委员会更为严格的兽药残留限量指标有12个, 占全部可比指标的3.6%; 我国比国际食品法典委员会标准宽松的指标有7个, 占可比指标总数的2.1%。结论 我国动物食品的兽药残留标准中, 97.9%的可比指标达到或超过国际食品法典委员会标准规定, 说明我国动物食品兽药残留标准较为全面与严格。
      Objective To compare the new veterinary drugs residue limits index in China and Codex Alimentarius Commission standards and analyze the results. Methods Veterinary drug species, the species and parts involved, and residue limits of veterinary drugs in Chinese standards including GB 31650-2019 National food safety standard Maximum residue limits for veterinary drugs in foods and notice No.250 of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China and Codex Alimentarius Commission standards CX/MRL 2-2018 Maximum residue limits and risk management recommendations for residues of veterinary drugs in foods were compared. Results Totally 316 comparable index values of veterinary drug residue limit standards in China were equivalent to those in Codex Alimentarius Commission, which accounted for 94.3%. 12 comparable index values in standards of China were stricter than those in standards of Codex Alimentarius Commission, accounting for 3.6%, while 7 comparable index values in standards of China were looser than those in standards of Codex Alimentarius Commission, accounting for 2.1%. Conclusion About 97.9% of the comparable index values of veterinary drug residue limit standards in China are not looser than those in Codex Alimentarius Commission, which means that the standards of animal food and veterinary drug residues in China are comprehensive and strict.
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