黄秋婷,尹玮璐,宋安华,刘冬豪,汪 宁.基于HACCP和6S管理方法的食品检验检测机构质量控制研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(11):3678-3682
Research on the quality control of food inspection and testing institutions based on HACCP and 6S management methods
投稿时间:2020-04-15  修订日期:2020-05-11
中文关键词:  食品检验检测机构  危害分析与关键控制点  6S  质量管理  质量控制
英文关键词:food inspection and testing institution  hazard analysis critical control point  6S  quality management  quality control
黄秋婷 广州市食品检验所 
尹玮璐 广州市食品检验所 
宋安华 广州市食品检验所 
刘冬豪 广州市食品检验所 
汪 宁 广州市食品检验所 
HUANG Qiu-Ting Guangzhou Institute for Food Control 
YIN Wei-Lu Guangzhou Institute for Food Control 
SONG An-Hua Guangzhou Institute for Food Control 
LIU Dong-Hao Guangzhou Institute for Food Control 
Wang-Ning Guangzhou Institute for Food Control 
摘要点击次数: 771
全文下载次数: 393
      危害分析与关键控制点(hazard analysis critical control point, HACCP)体系、6S[包括整理(seiri)、整顿(seiton)、清洁(seiketsu)、清扫(seiso)、安全(safety)、素养(shitsuke)]现场精益管理是被生产企业广泛实践应用且证明行之有效的质量管理方法。本文从体系结构、管理思路、模块接口等方面分析了HACCP在食品检验检测机构应用的可行性, 建立了一种基于HACCP和6S的食品检验检测机构质量控制方法, 阐述了HACCP与6S现场精益管理结合的检验检测质量管理工作思路与方法, 并以GB 4789.3-2016《食品安全国家标准食品微生物学检验大肠菌群计数》MPN计数法为例, 分析了该方法在食品检验检测机构质量控制中的应用。
      As an effective management method, hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) and 6S (including seiri, seiton, seiketsu, seiso, safety, shitsuke) management are widely used in the field of production quality control. This paper analyzes the feasibility of applying HACCP to food inspection and testing institutions from the aspects of system structure, management idea and module interface, establishes a quality control method of food inspection and testing institutions based on HACCP and 6S, expounds the ideas and methods of quality management combining HACCP and 6S, and uses GB 4789.3-2016 National food safety standard-Microbiological examination of food coliforms count MPN method as an example, the application of the management method in quality control of food inspection and testing institutions was analyzed.
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