贾婧怡,李 玮,张 烨,张 鹏,张文超.保健食品中非法添加药物事件及检测技术[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(11):3558-3570
Illegal drug addition events and determination technologies in health supplements
投稿时间:2020-03-11  修订日期:2020-05-12
中文关键词:  保健食品  非法添加  药物  检测技术
英文关键词:health supplements  illegal addition  drugs  determination technologies
贾婧怡 国家食品质量安全监督检验中心 
李 玮 国家食品质量安全监督检验中心 
张 烨 国家食品质量安全监督检验中心 
张 鹏 国家食品质量安全监督检验中心 
张文超 国家食品质量安全监督检验中心 
JIA Jing-Yi China National Food Quality and Safety Supervision and Inspection Center 
LI Wei China National Food Quality and Safety Supervision and Inspection Center 
ZHANG Ye China National Food Quality and Safety Supervision and Inspection Center 
ZHANG Peng China National Food Quality and Safety Supervision and Inspection Center 
ZHANG Wen-Chao China National Food Quality and Safety Supervision and Inspection Center 
摘要点击次数: 700
全文下载次数: 511
      近年来, 向保健品中非法添加药物的现象时有发生。本研究针对不同保健食品的类别, 梳理近年来发生的保健食品非法添加药物事件, 对各类保健食品中常可能非法添加的药物及危害进行总结, 并且对不同类别的保健食品中非法添加药物的检测技术进行归纳, 分析技术的优缺点, 为保健食品的市场监管提供参考。
      In recent years, the illegal addition of drugs to health supplements has occurred from time to time. This paper reviewed the events that illegal drug additionin health supplements in recent years, and summarized the illegal additive drugs and the related hazards according to the categories of different health supplements. In addition, this article summarized the detection technologies of illegal drugs in different kinds of health supplements and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the technology, in order to provide reference for market supervision of health supplements.
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