龚 震,张瑞琪,王铁峰,王 震,苏 萍,张春婷,杨 屹.固相萃取-高效液相色谱检测鸡蛋中氟虫腈及其代谢物[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(6):1709-1714
Determination of fipronil and its main metabolites in eggs by solid phase extraction-high performance liquid chromatography
投稿时间:2020-01-10  修订日期:2020-03-23
中文关键词:  固相萃取  氟虫腈及其代谢物  高效液相色谱法  鸡蛋
英文关键词:solid phase extraction  fipronil and its metabolites  high performance liquid chromatography  egg
龚 震 北京化工大学化学学院, 环境有害化学物质分析北京市重点实验室 
张瑞琪 北京化工大学化学学院, 环境有害化学物质分析北京市重点实验室 
王铁峰 北京化工大学化学学院, 环境有害化学物质分析北京市重点实验室 
王 震 北京化工大学化学学院, 环境有害化学物质分析北京市重点实验室 
苏 萍 北京化工大学化学学院, 环境有害化学物质分析北京市重点实验室 
张春婷 北京化工大学化学学院, 环境有害化学物质分析北京市重点实验室 
杨 屹 北京化工大学化学学院, 环境有害化学物质分析北京市重点实验室 
GONG Zhen College of Chemistry, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmentally Harmful Chemical Analysis 
ZHANG Rui-Qi College of Chemistry, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmentally Harmful Chemical Analysis 
WANG Tie-Feng College of Chemistry, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmentally Harmful Chemical Analysis 
WANG Zhen College of Chemistry, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmentally Harmful Chemical Analysis 
SU Ping College of Chemistry, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmentally Harmful Chemical Analysis 
ZHANG Chun-Ting College of Chemistry, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmentally Harmful Chemical Analysis 
YANG Yi College of Chemistry, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmentally Harmful Chemical Analysis 
摘要点击次数: 1038
全文下载次数: 651
      目的 建立固相萃取-高效液相色谱法测定鸡蛋中氟虫腈农药及其主要的代谢物氟虫腈砜、氟虫腈亚砜、氟甲腈的分析方法。方法 选用含1%甲酸的乙腈溶液(V:V)为提取溶剂, 用石墨化碳黑/氨基固相萃取小柱萃取净化, 用乙腈作洗脱剂, 并在以甲醇-水(67:33, V:V))为流动相的条件下进行高效液相色谱检测。结果 该方法的线性范围为0.3~10.0 μg/g, 4种目标物的检测限均在0.05~0.10 μg/g之间。通过对实际鸡蛋样品加标检测, 得到加标回收率在80.9%~115.8%之间, 相对标准偏差均小于6.2%。结论 该方法精密度较高、稳定性良好、操作简便, 可用于鸡蛋样品中氟虫腈及其3种代谢物的测定。
      Objective To establish a method for the determination of fipronil and its main metabolites residue involving fipronil sulfone, fipronil sulfide and fipronil desulfinyl in eggs by solid-phase extraction combined with high-performance liquid chromatography. Methods The target chemicals were extracted from the eggs by acetonitrile containing 1% (V:V)formic acid, and then cleaned by a PestiCarb/NH2 solid phase extraction cartridge using acetonitrile as eluent. Subsequently, high performance liquid chromatography equiped with a photo-diode array detecter was performed for the residue determination with methanol-water (67:33, V:V) as mobile phase. Results The linear range of the method was 0.310.0 μg/g. The detection limits of the 4 targets were between 0.05 and 0.10 μg/g. The established method was successfully used to determine the 4 targets in egg samples, and the recoveries ranged from 80.9% to 115.8% with the relative standard deviations less than 6.2%. Conclusion This method has high precision, good stability and is easy to operate. It can be applied for the determination of fipronil and its 3 kinds of metabolites in actual egg samples.
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