李 静,刘河疆.四种农药耐受真菌的鉴定及降解效果[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(10):3319-3323
Identification and degradation effects of four pesticide tolerant fungi
投稿时间:2019-12-26  修订日期:2020-05-12
中文关键词:  真菌  分子鉴定  农药残留  降解
英文关键词:fungi  molecular identification  pesticide residues  the degradation
李 静 新疆农业科学院农业质量标准与检测技术研究所, 农业部农产品质量安全风险评估实验室(乌鲁木齐), 新疆农产品质量安全实验室 
刘河疆 新疆农业科学院农业质量标准与检测技术研究所, 农业部农产品质量安全风险评估实验室(乌鲁木齐), 新疆农产品质量安全实验室 
LI Jing Institute of Quality Standards & Testing Technology for Agro-Products, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Laboratory of Quality and Safety Risk Assessment for Agro-Products (Urumqi), Ministry of Agriculture, Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Quality and Safety of Xinjiang 
LIU He-Jiang Institute of Quality Standards & Testing Technology for Agro-Products, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Laboratory of Quality and Safety Risk Assessment for Agro-Products (Urumqi), Ministry of Agriculture, Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Quality and Safety of Xinjiang 
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全文下载次数: 407
      目的 分析4种农药耐受真菌的农药残留的降解效果。方法 分别添加浓度为1.0 mg/kg的4种常见农药甲拌磷、毒死蜱、三唑酮、腐霉利, 通过不同时间的培养, 对其农药残留的降解水平进行分析, 采用18S rDNA/ITS对该菌株进行DNA提取, 将提取后的DNA进行ITS扩增测序, 并运用BLAST进行序列比对。结果 通过分子鉴定, 该菌株为真菌中根霉属(Rhizopus), 对以上4种农药均具有降解作用, 降解能力依次为甲拌磷>腐霉利>三唑酮>毒死蜱。该菌株对甲拌磷降解效果最好, 在培养时间达到72 h时, 降解率为100%, 其余降解率分别为腐霉利88%、三唑酮85%、毒死蜱50%。结论 该菌株在培养时间为48 h时, 对4种农药残留的降解水平最佳, 对甲拌磷降解水平最好; 培养时间到达72 h时, 对甲拌磷降解率达到100%。
      Objective To analyze the degradation effect of pesticide residues of 4 pesticide tolerant fungi. Methods Four common pesticides, phorate, chlorpyrifos, triazolidone and pythiril, were added with a concentration of 1.0 mg/kg, respectively. The degradation levels of pesticide residues were analyzed through culture at different times. The DNA of the strain was extracted by 18SrDNA/ITS, and the extracted DNA was amplified and sequenced by ITS, and then the sequences were compared by BLAST. Results Through molecular identification, this strain belongs to Rhizopus, which has degradation effect on all the above four pesticides, and the degradation ability was phorate>pythium> triazolidone > chlorpyrifos in order. The strain had the best effect on the degradation of phorate, and the degradation rate was 100% when the culture time reached 72 h, and the other degradation rates were pythium 88%, triazolidone 85% and chlorpyrifos 50% respectively. Conclusion when the culture time of the strain was 48 h, the degradation level of the four pesticide residues was the best, and the degradation level of the phorate was the best. When the culture time reached 72 h, the degradation rate of phorate reached 100%.
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