Discussion on the food contact materials overall migration in fat simulation
投稿时间:2019-11-27  修订日期:2020-02-20
中文关键词:  食品接触材料  总迁移量  橄榄油  替代试验
英文关键词:food contact materials  overall migration quantity  olive oil  alternative test
韦存茜 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 
张丽媛 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 
朱佳欢 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 
WEI Cun-Qian Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research 
ZHANG Li-Yuan Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research 
ZHU Jia-Huan Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research 
摘要点击次数: 1034
全文下载次数: 1223
      总迁移量作为食品接触材料的关键的卫生性能指标之一, 是企业质量控制和政府监督管理中的重要参数。油脂模拟物中总迁移量反映了预期接触油脂类食品接触材料的质量安全。实验室目前多采用有机溶剂替代橄榄油进行测试, 但是替代试验结果往往存在偏差, 难以反应正确真实的迁移情况。本文比较了国内外油脂类总迁移量的检测方法, 探究了橄榄油与有机溶剂总迁移量差异, 为改进我国总迁移量检测方法提供一些依据和参考。
      As one of the key health indicators of food contact materials, overall migration quantity is an important parameter in company quality control and government supervision. Overall migration quantity in fat simulation reflects the quality and safety of food packaging materials which are expected to contact with fat. Using organic solvents to instead fat is the common method in the laboratory, but the results of substitution tests are often biased and it is difficult to reflect the correct and real migration situation. This paper compared the test methods of overall migration quantity at home and abroad, and discussed the difference of overall migration quantity between olive oil and organic solvents, so as to provide some basis and reference for improving the detection method of overall migration quantity in China.
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