薛伟锋,侯辰侠,陈 溪,曹文军,宁兴爽,刘 明,刘水琳,刘东言.基于全面稳定性指数理论的庄河大骨鸡保质期预测[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(2):381-386
Shelf life prediction for Zhuanghe Dagu chicken based on global stability index theory
投稿时间:2019-10-22  修订日期:2019-11-22
中文关键词:  庄河大骨鸡  保质期  温度  全面稳定性指数
英文关键词:Zhuanghe Dagu chicken  shelf life  temperature  global stability index
薛伟锋 中华人民共和国大连海关 
侯辰侠 中检(大连)测试技术有限公司 
陈 溪 中华人民共和国大连海关 
曹文军 中检(大连)测试技术有限公司 
宁兴爽 中检(大连)测试技术有限公司 
刘 明 中检(大连)测试技术有限公司 
刘水琳 中华人民共和国大连海关 
刘东言 中华人民共和国大连海关 
XUE Wei-Feng Dalian Customs District P.R. China 
HOU Chen-Xia China Inspection (Dalian) Test Technology Co., Ltd 
CHEN Xi Dalian Customs District P.R. China 
CAO Wen-Jun China Inspection (Dalian) Test Technology Co., Ltd 
NING Xing-Shuang China Inspection (Dalian) Test Technology Co., Ltd 
LIU Ming China Inspection (Dalian) Test Technology Co., Ltd 
LIU Shui-Lin Dalian Customs District P.R. China 
LIU Dong-Yan Dalian Customs District P.R. China 
摘要点击次数: 947
全文下载次数: 557
      目的 建立基于全面稳定性指数(global stability index, GSI)理论预测庄河大骨鸡保质期的方法。 方法 基于恒温加速实验, 测定大骨鸡于4、10、20、30 ℃储藏温度下的感官、汁液流失率、菌落总数和挥发性盐基氮变化规律, 建立大骨鸡GSI保质期预测模型。结果 计算得到的GSI值满足零级动力学模型。活化能和指前因子分别为17.07 kJ/mol和283。GSI实验值和预测值相对误差绝对值在20%范围内。通过GSI模型预测, 获得大骨鸡在4、10、20、30 ℃下的保质期分别为5.8、5.0、3.9、3.1 d。结论 建立的GSI预测模型在4~30 ℃储藏温度范围内能够有效预测大骨鸡的新鲜度。
      Objective To establish a method for predicting the shelf life of Zhuanghe big bone chicken based on the global stability index (GSI) theory. Methods For the purpose of establishing GSI-based model, quality degradation trend of the chicken including sensory score, water activity, drip loss, total aerobic counts and volatile base nitrogen was monitored via accelerating testing at 4, 10, 20, 30 ℃. Results The calculated results of GSI were satisfactorily described by a zero-order kinetic model. The activation energy and the corresponding pre-exponential constant of GSI were 17.07 kJ/mol and 283, respectively. Relative error absolute values between predicted and observed GSI values were all below 20%. The product shelf life at 4, 10, 20 and 30 ℃ was calculated to be 5.8, 5.0, 3.9, 3.1 d, respectively. Conclusion The established model based on GSI can effectively predict the freshness of Zhuanghe Dagu chicken at the range of 4?30 ℃ during different temperatures storage.
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