苏 涛,毛永杨,李智高,田金兰.国内外食源性疾病监测与负担估计的研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2019,10(17):5940-5946
Research progress on foodborne disease surveillance and burden estimation at home and abroad
投稿时间:2019-05-26  修订日期:2019-09-16
中文关键词:  食源性疾病  负担估计  监测分析
英文关键词:foodborne diseases  burden estimation  surveillance analysis
苏 涛 大理州食品检验检测院 
毛永杨 大理州食品检验检测院 
李智高 大理州食品检验检测院 
田金兰 大理州食品检验检测院 
SU Tao Dali Institute for Food Control 
MAO Yong-Yang Dali Institute for Food Control 
LI Zhi-Gao Dali Institute for Food Control 
TIAN Jin-Lan Dali Institute for Food Control 
摘要点击次数: 668
全文下载次数: 311
      食源性疾病是世界性的公共卫生问题, 不仅危害人类健康, 还对经济和社会产生不良影响。开展食源性疾病进行监测分析、负担估计和影响评估等方面的研究, 评估和对比不同病原食源性疾病的感染风险和危害程度, 可以指导国家食品安全政策制定和主动干预措施实施。本文将近年来国内外对食源性疾病的监测分析、负担估计和损失衡量等方面的研究进展进行综述, 以期为我国食源性疾病的负担估计和主动干预措施制定提供参考。
      Foodborne disease is a worldwide public health problem, which not only endangers human health, but also has adverse effects on economy and society. Conducting research on foodborne diseases for monitoring analysis, burden estimation and impact assessment, assessing and comparing the risk and harm of infections of foodborne diseases of different pathogens can guide the formulation of national food safety policies and the implementation of proactive interventions. This paper reviewed the research progress of foodborne disease monitoring analysis, burden estimation and loss measurement at home and abroad in recent years, so as to provide references for the burden estimation and active intervention of foodborne disease in China.
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