辛丽娜,谭喜梅,梁飞燕,蒋定之,盘正华,黄燕红,韦 钰.2018年广西禽蛋中兽药残留风险检测结果分析[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2019,10(17):5621-5627
Analysis of the detection results of veterinary drug residues in poultry eggs in Guangxi in 2018
投稿时间:2019-05-20  修订日期:2019-07-03
中文关键词:  禽蛋  兽药残留  风险分析
英文关键词:eggs  veterinary drug residue  risk analysis
辛丽娜 广西-东盟食品药品安全检验检测中心 
谭喜梅 广西-东盟食品药品安全检验检测中心 
梁飞燕 广西-东盟食品药品安全检验检测中心 
蒋定之 广西-东盟食品药品安全检验检测中心 
盘正华 广西-东盟食品药品安全检验检测中心 
黄燕红 广西-东盟食品药品安全检验检测中心 
韦 钰 广西-东盟食品药品安全检验检测中心 
XIN Li-Na Guangxi-Asean Center for Food and Drug Safety Control 
TAN Xi-Mei Guangxi-Asean Center for Food and Drug Safety Control 
LIANG Fei-Yan Guangxi-Asean Center for Food and Drug Safety Control 
JIANG Ding-Zhi Guangxi-Asean Center for Food and Drug Safety Control 
PAN Zheng-Hua Guangxi-Asean Center for Food and Drug Safety Control 
HUANG Yan-Hong Guangxi-Asean Center for Food and Drug Safety Control 
WEI Yu Guangxi-Asean Center for Food and Drug Safety Control 
摘要点击次数: 853
全文下载次数: 522
      目的 对广西不同地区禽蛋中兽药残留水平进行测定和风险分析。方法 采集广西11个地区超市、农贸市场等各流通领域的禽蛋82批次, 按照国家标准方法和《2018年国家食品污染物和有害因素风险监测工作手册》对禽蛋中14类48种兽药残留进行检测, 检测结果依据2002年农业部235号公告《动物性食品中兽药最高残留限量》等进行评价。结果 此次风险分析, 检出有兽药残留的样本22批次, 涉及8类19种兽药残留, 检出率为26.8%。结论 目前广西禽蛋中兽药残留风险现状不容乐观, 其中磺胺类及其增效剂和喹诺酮类残留情况较严重, 硝基咪唑类、氯霉素类次之, 应该引起相关部门重视, 加强对禽蛋产品药物残留的监控。
      Objective To determine and analyze the residue level of veterinary drugs in eggs in different areas of Guangxi. Methods A total of 82 batches of poultry eggs were collected from supermarkets and farmers' markets in 11 regions of Guangxi. According to the national standard methods and the 2018 national manual of risk monitoring of food contaminants and harmful factors, 14 categories contain 48 kinds of veterinary drug residues in poultry eggs were detected. The analysis results were evaluated according to The maximum residue limit of veterinary drugs in animal food issued by Ministry of Agriculture NO.235 in 2002. Results In this risk analysis, 22 batches of samples with veterinary drug residues were detected, involving 8 categories contain 19 kinds of veterinary drug residues, and the detection rate was 26.8%. Conclusion The present situation of veterinary drug residue risk in poultry eggs in Guangxi is not optimistic, among which showed that sulfonamides and their enhancer and quinolone residues are more serious then the nitroimidazoles and chloramphenicol residuest. Relevant departments should pay attention to strengthen the monitoring of drug residues in poultry egg products.
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