杨 莹,王钦晖,陆 静,曹明月,秦 超,李 俊,王 兴.饲料标签中存在的问题及对策[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2019,10(11):3268-3272
Problems and countermeasures in feed labels
投稿时间:2019-03-04  修订日期:2019-05-22
中文关键词:  饲料标签  存在问题  建议  对策
英文关键词:feed label  problem  suggestion  countermeasure
杨 莹 云南省兽药饲料检测所 
王钦晖 云南省兽药饲料检测所 
陆 静 河南海瑞正检测技术有限公司 
曹明月 河南海瑞正检测技术有限公司 
秦 超 中国农业科学院饲料研究所 
李 俊 中国农业科学院饲料研究所 
王 兴 云南省兽药饲料检测所 
YANG Ying Yunnan Testing & Inspection Institute for Veterinary Drugs & Feedstuff 
Wang Qin-Hui Yunnan Testing & Inspection Institute for Veterinary Drugs & Feedstuff 
LU Jing Henan Hai Rui Zheng Detection Technology Co., Ltd., 
CAO Ming-Yue Henan Hai Rui Zheng Detection Technology Co., Ltd., 
QIN Chao Feed Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
LI Jun Feed Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
WANG Xing Yunnan Testing & Inspection Institute for Veterinary Drugs & Feedstuff 
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      饲料标签是饲料生产企业展示产品质量和标示其他信息的一种重要途径, 也是使用者选择和正确使用饲料产品的重要依据。饲料标签不仅标示产品的各项指标, 也是体现一个企业的社会责任, 对客户、对产品的态度。近年来, 随着人们对畜禽产品和饲料质量安全的日益关注, 对饲料标签的关注度也日益提高, 正确标示和使用标签尤为重要, 但由于部分饲料生产企业经验不足, 法律意识淡薄, 对标准的解读不透彻, 造成了部分饲料标签的标示不规范, 从而对饲料产品的质量安全以及政府监管带来诸多不便。本文列举了饲料质量安全监管过程中发现的饲料标签存在的问题, 从生产企业、消费者和监管部门等多方面对问题存在的原因进行综合分析, 并对标签制定和管理提出合理化的建议和改进措施, 从而使标签的制定逐渐规范化、标准化。
      Feed label is an important way for feed manufacturers to display product quality and other information, and also an important basis for users to select and use feed products correctly. Feed labels not only indicate the indicators of products, but also reflect a company's social responsibility, and attitude towards customers and products. In recent years, as people pay more and more attention to the quality and safety of livestock and poultry products and feed, more and more attention is paid to the feed label, and it is particularly important to correctly label and use the labels. However, due to the lack of experience, weak legal awareness and incomplete interpretation of standards, the labeling of some feed labels is not standardized, which has caused many inconveniences to the quality and safety of feed products and government supervision. This article listed the problems in the process of supervision and control of feed quality and safety, and comprehensively analyzed the reasons for the problems from various aspects such as production enterprises, consumers, and regulatory authorities, and put forward reasonable suggestions and improvement measures for label formulation and management, so as to gradually standardize and standardize the formulation of labels.
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