Discussion on problems and countermeasures in food re-inspection
投稿时间:2018-08-09  修订日期:2018-09-25
中文关键词:  复检  存在问题  对策
英文关键词:re-inspection  existing problems  countermeasures
李霞 陕西省食品药品监督检验研究院 
叶琳洁 陕西省食品药品监督检验研究院 
郭欢迎 陕西省食品药品监督检验研究院 
戴涌 陕西省食品药品监督检验研究院 
绳金房 陕西省食品药品监督检验研究院 
刘海静 陕西省食品药品监督检验研究院 
LI Xia Institute for Food and Drug Contronl 
YE Lin-Jie Institute for Food and Drug Contronl 
GUO Huan-Ying Institute for Food and Drug Contronl 
DAI Yong Institute for Food and Drug Contronl 
SHENG Jin-Fang Institute for Food and Drug Contronl 
LIU Hai-Jing Institute for Food and Drug Contronl 
摘要点击次数: 716
全文下载次数: 392
      食品复检是法律赋予被抽检方对检验结果有异议时的申诉途径, 复检结论对食品案件的定性处理经常起到关键作用。虽然我国政府或相关部门均对食品复检做了相关规定, 但在实际受理工作中经常因为法律法规和部门规章的不一致或缺乏具体实施细则给工作带来一定困扰。本文阐述了食品复检工作中存在的一些问题, 并从法律法规的制定、监督管理和检验机构管理等层面探讨了解决对策和建议, 为监管部门和检验机构依法依规开展食品复检工作提供参考。
      Food re-inspection is the legal means of appeal when the sampling party has objection to the inspection result. Re-inspection conclusions often play a key role in the qualitative handling of food cases. Although the Chinese government or relevant departments have made relevant regulations on food re-inspection, the inconsistency between laws and regulations and departmental regulations or the lack of specific implementation rules in the actual acceptance of work often brings some trouble in the actual work. This paper expounded some problems in the work of food re-inspection, and probed into the countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of the formulation of laws and regulations, supervision management and inspection institution management, which can provide a reference for regulatory authorities and inspection agencies.
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