Research progress on extraction methods of volatile components in tea
投稿时间:2018-06-09  修订日期:2018-08-08
中文关键词:  茶叶  挥发性组分  提取技术
英文关键词:tea  volatile component  extraction technology
毛静春 普洱市质量技术监督综合检测中心 
陈保 普洱市质量技术监督综合检测中心 
王宗健 普洱市质量技术监督综合检测中心 
罗正刚 普洱市质量技术监督综合检测中心 
姜东华 普洱市质量技术监督综合检测中心 
MAO Jing-Chun pu,er comprehensive technical testing center,pu er,665000 
CHEN Bao pu,er comprehensive technical testing center,pu er,665000 
WANG Zong-Jian pu,er comprehensive technical testing center,pu er,665000 
LUO Zheng-Gang pu,er comprehensive technical testing center,pu er,665000 
JIANG Dong-Hua pu,er comprehensive technical testing center,pu er,665000 
摘要点击次数: 867
全文下载次数: 510
      茶叶的挥发性成分是反映茶叶品质的重要因素, 近年来随着分析检测技术的发展, 对于茶叶挥发性组分的研究价值逐渐扩展, 由最初的感官评审进行品质评价发展到成分鉴定, 进而结合多元统计学分析实现茶叶品种分类、产地溯源和品质分级等目标。茶叶挥发性组分的准确提取是保证其后期研究数据科学有效的前提, 因此, 本文综述了茶叶挥发性组分提取技术, 并对不同提取方法进行综合比较, 旨在为茶叶挥发性组分的研究、开发与应用提供参考。
      The volatile components of tea are important factors to the quality of tea, with the development of analytical and detection techniques. The implications of the research of volatile components in tea have gradually expanded in recent years, which not only end with the effect on sensory evaluation, but also identify the chemical constituents and then develop into the varieties classification, origin identification and the quality grading for tea in combination with the multi-statistical analysis. The accurate extraction of tea volatile components is the prerequisite to ensure the validity of the post-analysis data. Therefore, this paper summarized the extraction technology of tea volatile components, and compared the different extraction methods, in order to provide a reference for the research, development and application of tea volatile components.
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