Influencing factors and strategies of urban food safety construction
投稿时间:2018-04-04  修订日期:2018-07-02
中文关键词:  城市食品安全  建设  因素  策略
英文关键词:urban food safety  construction  factor  strategy
相光明 山东省食品药品检验研究院 
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XIANG Guang-Ming Shandong Institute for Food and Drug Control 
JIANG Hui Shandong Institute for Food and Drug Control 
WANG Chun-Xiao Shandong Institute for Food and Drug Control 
LI Heng Shandong Institute for Food and Drug Control 
WANG Yong Shandong Institute for Food and Drug Control 
LENG Jia-Wei Shandong Institute for Food and Drug Control 
摘要点击次数: 626
全文下载次数: 498
      城市食品安全建设涉及种植、养殖、食品生产经营、畜禽屠宰、餐饮具消毒等多个业态的食品质量安全控制。本文阐述了影响城市食品安全的因素, 包括农、畜禽产品中农兽药残留超标、违规使用食品添加剂、违禁使用非食品原料、食品生产加工储运过程中的污染等。提出城市食品安全建设的策略, 包括政府引导、搭建食品安全城市治理体系、实现各业态食品质量安全的标准化控制、加强监管部门督导检查、搭建城市食品检验检测体系、加强城市食品仓储运输环节的控制、搭建智慧监管平台实现食品安全追溯、加强城市间食品安全建设交流学习, 多措并举构建食品安全城市。
      The construction of urban food safety involves food quality and safety control of planting, breeding, food production and management, livestock and poultry slaughtering, food and beverage disinfection, etc. This paper expounded the factors affecting urban food security, including agricultural, livestock and poultry products in agricultural veterinary drug residue exceeded the standard, illegal use of food additives, prohibited the use of non-food raw materials, food production and processing in the process of storage and transportation pollution, etc. Then put forward some strategies on the construction of urban food safety, including government guidance, establishing a food safety city management system, realizing the standard control of the quality and safety of all kinds of food, strengthening supervision and inspection by regulatory authorities, building the city food inspection and inspection system, strengthening the controls on urban food storage and transportation, building intelligent supervision platform to achieve food safety traceability, strengthening the intercity study of the construction of food safety, building urban food safety in accordance with these measures.
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