Research progress of extraction methods of nicotine
投稿时间:2018-03-18  修订日期:2018-04-17
中文关键词:  烟碱  提取  超声波辅助提取  微波辅助提取  液膜分离  分子印迹
英文关键词:nicotine  extraction technology  ultrasound-assisted extraction  microwave-assisted extraction  liquid membrane separation  molecularly imprinted polymers
张佳杰 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,北京 
薛敏 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,北京;北京理工大学分析测试中心,北京 
魏天晔 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,北京 
孟子晖 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,北京 
徐志斌 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,北京 
邱丽莉 北京理工大学化学与化工学院,北京 
彭绍春 北京理工大学分析测试中心,北京 
高培峰 北京理工大学分析测试中心,北京 
ZHANG Jia-Jie Beijing Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Beijing,China 
XUE Min Beijing Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Beijing,China 
WEI Tian-Ye Beijing Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Beijing,China 
MENG Zi-Hui Beijing Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Beijing,China 
XU Zhi-Bin Beijing Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Beijing,China 
QIU Li-Li Beijing Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Beijing,China 
PENG Shao-Chun Beijing Institute of Technology Analytical and Testing Center,Beijing,China 
GAO Pei-Feng Beijing Institute of Technology Analytical and Testing Center,Beijing,China 
摘要点击次数: 1237
全文下载次数: 820
      烟碱普遍存在于烟草中, 由于20世纪上半叶烟草产业在全球范围内的高速发展, 国内外学者对烟碱的测定做了大量研究工作。随着对烟碱认识的不断加深, 烟碱的应用也从烟草工业扩大到农业、医药等领域, 关于烟碱的提取方法出现了越来越多的尝试。科学技术和分析仪器的进步带动着烟碱提取方法从最初的蒸气蒸馏法逐步发展为快速高效的新型提取方法, 目前烟碱的提取技术主要有溶剂萃取法、超声/微波辅助提取法、超临界CO2流体萃取法、乳化液膜法、柱色谱法等, 新型提取材料包括离子交换树脂、分子印迹聚合物等, 提取率可以达到90%以上。本文从提取方法的角度进行分类, 总结了近年来烟碱的提取技术, 并对不同方法之间的差异进行了对比。
      Nicotine is commonly found in tobacco. In the first half of 20th century, tobacco industry has been developing with a rapid speed in a worldwide, and domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of researches on the determination of nicotine. With the deepening of understanding of nicotine, the application of nicotine has expanded from the tobacco industry to agriculture, medicine and other fields. There have been more and more attempts on the extraction of nicotine. It is the advancement of science and technique and the analytical instruments that lets the extraction methods of nicotine begin from the steam distillation method to many novel and efficient extraction methods including solvent extraction, ultrasonic/microwave-assisted extraction, supercritical CO2 fluid extraction, emulsion membrane and so on. Moreover, many novel adsorbents are also applied in the column chromatographic method, such as molecular imprinted polymers and ion exchange resins. Therefore, the extraction efficiency is significantly improved to 90%. This paper classified the extraction methods from the view of extraction, summarized the extraction technology of nicotine in recent years, and compared the differences among different methods.
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