陈振娅,冯 琪,孙新晓,袁其朋.模块化共培养技术在代谢工程领域的应用及研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2018,9(2):402-408
Application and progress of modular co-culture engineering in metabolic engineering field
投稿时间:2017-12-08  修订日期:2018-01-06
中文关键词:  模块化共培养  代谢工程  合成生物学
英文关键词:modular co-culture engineering  metabolic engineering  biosynthesis
陈振娅 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室 
冯 琪 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室 
孙新晓 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室 
袁其朋 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室 
CHEN Zhen-Ya State Key Laboratory of Chemical Effective Utilization of Resources, Beijing University of Chemical Technology 
FENG Qi State Key Laboratory of Chemical Effective Utilization of Resources, Beijing University of Chemical Technology 
SUN Xin-Xiao State Key Laboratory of Chemical Effective Utilization of Resources, Beijing University of Chemical Technology 
YUAN Qi-Peng State Key Laboratory of Chemical Effective Utilization of Resources, Beijing University of Chemical Technology 
摘要点击次数: 958
全文下载次数: 743
      利用代谢工程方法生物合成目标产物时, 需要为设计好的生物合成途径筛选一个合适的微生物宿主, 关于此方面的研究在过去十几年中已取得了巨大的成果。随着代谢工程领域的发展, 有很多先进的方法被不断地建立与应用, 这就对微生物宿主细胞提出了更高的要求。近期的许多科学研究应用共培养体系来减轻细胞压力, 从而提高目标产物的产量。模块化共培养体系由多种工程生物菌株组成, 可对生物合成进行模块化构建。这种新兴的模块化共培养的工程方法可以广泛地应用于代谢工程领域, 具有很高的应用价值。本文总结并讨论了模块化共培养工程方法的优势以及主要面临的挑战, 同时对模块化共培养工程的研究进展进行了 概述。
      Metabolic engineering is used to biosynthesize target products and it is necessary to screen a suitable microbial host for the designed biosynthetic pathway. The research on this strategy has made great achievements in the past decade. With the development of metabolic engineering, more advanced metabolic engineering methods have been established and applied, which has higher demand for biosynthetic microorganism host cells. In order to enhance the production of target products, many scientific studies have applied co-culture engineering to relieve the pressure of strain. The modular co-culture engineering is composed of a variety of engineering biological strains, which can be modular construction by biosynthesis. Modular co-culture engineering method which has high application value can be widely used in metabolic engineering field. This paper summarized and discussed the advantages and main challenges of modular co-culture engineering. Meanwhile, this paper summarized the progress of modular co-culture engineering.
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