于翠平,查 越,吴 凡,吴 迪,秦玉婷,杜 明.超微粉碎技术对蛋白质理化及功能性质影响的研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2018,9(2):360-365
Research progress on the effects of ultra-fine grinding on protein physicochemical and functional properties
投稿时间:2017-10-30  修订日期:2017-12-29
中文关键词:  蛋白质改性  超微粉碎  溶解度  粒径  结构
英文关键词:protein modification  ultra-fine grinding  solubility  particle size  structure
于翠平 大连工业大学食品学院, 国家海洋食品工程技术研究中心 
查 越 大连工业大学食品学院 
吴 凡 大连工业大学食品学院 
吴 迪 大连工业大学食品学院 
秦玉婷 大连工业大学食品学院 
杜 明 大连工业大学食品学院, 国家海洋食品工程技术研究中心 
YU Cui-Ping School of Food Science, Dalian Polytechnic University, National Engineering Research Center of Seafood 
CHA Yue School of Food Science, Dalian Polytechnic University 
WU Fan School of Food Science, Dalian Polytechnic University 
WU Di School of Food Science, Dalian Polytechnic University 
QIN Yu-Ting School of Food Science, Dalian Polytechnic University 
DU Ming School of Food Science, Dalian Polytechnic University, National Engineering Research Center of Seafood 
摘要点击次数: 1188
全文下载次数: 787
      作为复杂的生物大分子物质, 蛋白质在生命物质活动中起着至关重要的作用。近年来, 基于蛋白质为原辅料的各类食品层出不穷, 蛋白质本身的性质对于食品的品质特性, 乃至食品的生产加工或者储存条件和方式等也都有着很大的影响。通过对蛋白质的改性, 可以改善其功能及应用特性。目前, 超微粉碎由于其独特的加工特性被广泛应用在食品的生产加工, 相比于一般粉碎技术, 超微粉碎加工技术能将物料粉碎至10 μm, 甚至1 μm。具有生产效率高、粒径细、产品营养损耗小、分布均匀和污染少的特点。本文主要介绍了多种超微粉碎处理技术对食品蛋白质的物理化学性质及功能性质的影响, 为采用超微粉碎处理方式以获得具有特定性状的蛋白质产品相关技术的开发提供了一定的思路。
      As complex biological macromolecules, protein plays a vital role in the activities of living activities. In recent years, more and more food products are based on protein as their raw materials and accessories. The properties of the protein have a great influence on the quality, production and processing, and the storage conditions of food. It can improve the function and application characteristics of protein by modifying the protein. At present, ultra-fine grinding is widely used in food processing because of its unique processing characteristics. Compared with the general pulverization technology, the ultra-fine grinding technology can crush the particle size of materials to 10 μm, or even 1 μm. It also has many characteristics, such as small nutrition loss of products, convenience, safety and high quality of products. This article mainly introduced the effects of many kinds of ultra-fine grinding techniques on the physicochemical and functional properties of proteins. It also provided some ideas for development of ultra-fine grinding technology to obtain protein products with specific characteristics.
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