祝 萍,张 帆,王喜琼,张俊楠,郑江霞,徐桂云.3种家禽类品种间生熟蛋黄挥发性风味物质的差异研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2017,8(12):4645-4650
Study on the difference of volatile flavor of 3 kinds of raw egg yolk and a cooked egg yolk
投稿时间:2017-08-20  修订日期:2017-12-07
中文关键词:  蛋黄  挥发性风味物质  气象色谱-质谱技术
英文关键词:egg yolk  volatile flavor substances  gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
祝 萍 中国农业大学动物科技学院 
张 帆 中国农业大学动物科技学院 
王喜琼 中国农业大学动物科技学院 
张俊楠 中国农业大学动物科技学院 
郑江霞 中国农业大学动物科技学院 
徐桂云 中国农业大学动物科技学院 
ZHU Ping College of Animal Science & Technology, China Agricultural University 
ZHANG Fan College of Animal Science & Technology, China Agricultural University 
WANG Xi-Qiong College of Animal Science & Technology, China Agricultural University 
ZHANG Jun-Nan College of Animal Science & Technology, China Agricultural University 
ZHENG Jiang-Xia College of Animal Science & Technology, China Agricultural University 
XU Gui-Yun College of Animal Science & Technology, China Agricultural University 
摘要点击次数: 958
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      目的 比较北京油鸡、白来航鸡、北京鸭的生蛋黄风味物质差异, 同时探究生、熟鸭蛋黄的风味物质差异。方法 样本选用相同饲养条件下北京油鸡、白来航鸡所产鸡蛋, 不同饲养条件的北京鸭所产鲜蛋, 主要运用气相色谱-质谱技术, 研究分析3种生蛋黄挥发性风味物质差异。同时比较了鸭蛋生、熟蛋黄风味物质的差异性。结果 3种生蛋黄和1种熟蛋黄中均检测到烷烃类物质、醛类物质、酮类物质、醇类物质、酯类物质、芳香族类物质、烯烃类物质、杂环类物质和酸类物质。其中芳香族类物质含量占比最大, 北京油鸡生蛋黄、白来航鸡生蛋黄、北京鸭生蛋黄分别为37.10%、36.90%、34.31%; 酸类物质含量少、差异大, 含量占比北京油鸡生蛋黄、白来航鸡生蛋黄、北京鸭生蛋黄分别为0.55%、0.49%、2.61%。北京鸭生、熟蛋黄鉴定出9类挥发性风味物质, 熟蛋黄111种, 生蛋黄108种。结论 芳香族物质、酯类物质、酸类物质对禽蛋风味影响大, 物质含量不同是禽蛋黄风味不同的主要原因, 生蛋黄风味物质直接影响了熟蛋黄风味。
      Objective To compare the differences of flavor compounds between the raw egg yolk of Beijing Fatty Chickens, White Leghorns and Beijing duck, and explore the differences of flavor compounds between raw and cooked duck egg yolk. Methods The eggs of Beijing Fatty Chickens and White Leghorn under the same feeding conditions and age were chosen as test samples. In addition, the eggs produced by Beijing ducks with different feeding conditions were selected as the comparative poultry species. The differences of volatile flavor substances of different varieties were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Then the differences in volatile flavor substances of duck egg yolk and cooked duck egg yolk were studied. Results Alkaloids, aldehydes, alcohols, esters, aromatics, olefins, heterocycles and acids were detected in 3 kinds of raw egg yolk and 1 kind of cooked egg yolk. Aromatic substance peak area ratio was the largest with 37.10%, 36.90%, 34.31% in raw egg yolks of Beijing Fatty Chickens, White Leghorns and Beijing duck, respectively. The content of acid was little but had great difference with 0.55 %, 0.49 %, 2.61% in raw egg yolks of Beijing Fatty Chickens, White Leghorns and Beijing duck, respectively. Totally 9 kinds of volatile flavor compounds were identified from the raw and cooked yolk of Beijing duck. There are 111 volatile flavor substances of Beijing duck raw eggs and 108 volatile flavor substances of Beijing duck cooked eggs. Conclusion Aromatics, esters and acids have great influence on the flavor of eggs, and the content of different substances is the main reason of different egg yolk flavor. The raw material of egg yolk has a direct effect on cooked egg yolk flavor.
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