姜洪喆,王 伟,杨 一,褚 璇,赵 昕.近红外光谱分析技术在鸡肉品质检测中的应用研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2017,8(11):4298-4304
Research progress on analysis of chicken meat quality traits using near-infrared spectroscopy
投稿时间:2017-06-19  修订日期:2017-08-29
中文关键词:  鸡肉  品质指标  近红外光谱  定性分析  定量分析
英文关键词:chicken meat  quality traits  near-infrared spectroscopy  quantitative analysis  qualitative analysis
姜洪喆 中国农业大学工学院 
王 伟 中国农业大学工学院 
杨 一 中国农业大学工学院 
褚 璇 中国农业大学工学院 
赵 昕 中国农业大学工学院 
JIANG Hong-Zhe College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
WANG Wei College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
YANG Yi College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
CHU Xuan College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
ZHAO Xin College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
摘要点击次数: 1097
全文下载次数: 1022
      全球的鸡肉产量和消费量逐年上升, 鸡肉品质已成了消费者的重点关注对象。近红外光谱分析技术是一种无损、快速、环保以及实时的检测技术, 目前已快速发展成为一种应用于食品分析领域的新方法, 在肉品检测方面也展现出极大的分析和应用潜力, 近年来, 已有较多国内外研究探讨了其在鸡肉品质检测方面的可行性。本文通过对近红外检测技术在鸡肉颜色、pH值、持水力、剪切力及化学成分预测方面的定量分析, 肉品动物来源、鸡肉产地溯源及品质等级划分的定性分析以及其他相关方面检测的研究进行了综述, 总结了应用近红外检测各品质指标的研究现状, 可为相关研究者提供参考和借鉴, 并基于分析总结对今后近红外光谱分析在鸡肉品质检测应用的发展前景及发展方向做了展望。
      The chicken production and consumption are growing year by year worldwide, and the major concern for consumers has been focused on the quality traits of chicken meat. As a kind of non-destructive, fast, environmental and real-time detection technique, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has developed rapidly into a new method used in food analysis at present. In meat industry, the great potential has also been shown in analysis and application, and several present studies have been conducted to investigate the feasibility in chicken meat quality detection in recent years. The quantitative analysis of color, pH value, water-holding capacity, shear force and chemical composition, qualitative analysis of different animal sources, origin traceability and quality grading, and other researches related to chicken meat quality detection by near-infrared spectroscopy were introduced in the paper. The research status of chicken meat quality traits detected by near-infrared spectroscopy was summarized, which could provide references for the related researchers. Also, the future development and application trend of near-infrared spectroscopy in chicken quality detection were prospected based on the analysis and summarization.
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