王 正,王晓伟,郭蒙京,李倩,薛 颖,沙博郁,赵婕.浊点萃取-纳米金探针联用可视化检测鱼肉中的Hg2+[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2017,8(8):3197-3201
Visual detection of mercury (Hg2+) in fish by cloud point extraction-gold nanoparticle probe
投稿时间:2017-06-05  修订日期:2017-07-31
中文关键词:  浊点萃取  纳米金探针  可视化检测    
英文关键词:cloud point extraction  gold nanoparticle probe  visual detection  mercury  fish
王 正 北京市预防医学研究中心 
王晓伟 北京市预防医学研究中心 
郭蒙京 北京市西城区疾病预防控制中心 
李倩 北京市大兴区疾病预防控制中心 
薛 颖 北京市预防医学研究中心 
沙博郁 北京市预防医学研究中心 
赵婕 北京市预防医学研究中心 
WANG Zheng Center for Preventive Medicine Research of Beijing 
WANG Xiao-Wei Center for Preventive Medicine Research of Beijing 
GUO Meng-Jing Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Xicheng District 
LI Qian Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Daxing District 
XUE Ying Center for Preventive Medicine Research of Beijing 
SHA Bo-Yu Center for Preventive Medicine Research of Beijing 
ZHAO Jie Center for Preventive Medicine Research of Beijing 
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      目的 建立一种浊点萃取与纳米金探针联用快速可视化检测鱼肉中Hg2+的方法。方法 修饰的纳米金粒子与Hg2+特异性络合, 经浊点萃取进入有机相, 并出现可肉眼观察的红色沉淀。根据有机相中沉淀量的多少或颜色深浅可判定Hg2+的浓度。结果 Hg2+浓度在1~15 μg/L范围内, 沉淀量和沉淀颜色与溶液中的Hg2+浓度呈正相关。本方法肉眼可识别的Hg2+浓度最低为2 μg/L。结论 本方法对Hg2+选择性好、灵敏度较高、检测时间短、操作简便, 可用于鱼肉中Hg2+的快速定性分析。
      Objective To establish a visual detection method for tract mercury (Hg2+) in real fish samples, based on the cloud point extraction and gold nanoparticle (AuNP) probe techniques. Methods Modified and purified AuNP was specifically complexed with Hg2+ in the basified digestion solution of fish sample. The complex was then extracted by cloud point extraction and the red deposits were appeared in the Triton X-114. According to the amount or color of precipitation in organic phase, Hg2+ concentration could be determined. Results There was a positive correlation of the concentration of Hg2+ and amount of red deposit in the range of 1~15 μg/L Hg2+ in the basified digestion solution of fish samples. The lowest concentration which could be distinguished by naked eye was 2 μg/L. Conclusion This method is rapid, efficient and convenient with good selectivity and high sensitivity, which can be used for rapid qualitative analysis of Hg2+ in fish samples.
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