林 津,彭青枝,宋 政,程 慧,黄传峰.电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定固体饮料中有害元素的含量及其来源分析[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2017,8(7):2486-2494
Determination and analysis of harmful elements in solid beverages by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
投稿时间:2017-05-08  修订日期:2017-07-12
中文关键词:  固体饮料  有害元素  原料  电感耦合等离子体质谱法
英文关键词:solid beverages  harmful elements  raw material  inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
林 津 湖北省食品质量安全监督检验研究院 
彭青枝 湖北省食品质量安全监督检验研究院 
宋 政 湖北省食品质量安全监督检验研究院 
程 慧 湖北省食品质量安全监督检验研究院 
黄传峰 中国食品药品检定研究院 
LIN Jin Hubei Provincial Institute for Food Supervision and Test 
PENG Qing-Zhi Hubei Provincial Institute for Food Supervision and Test 
SONG Zheng Hubei Provincial Institute for Food Supervision and Test 
CHENG Hui Hubei Provincial Institute for Food Supervision and Test 
HUANG Chuan-Feng National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 
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      目的 利用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS)对固体饮料中有害元素的含量进行全面的测定和分析, 为固体饮料中污染物测定和判定能够提供更合理的参考依据。方法 样品经硝酸消解赶酸后, 采用ICP-MS对不同类型的固体饮料中的有害元素铅、砷、镉、铬、汞、铝、铜、镍、硼元素含量进行测定, 并对其来源进行研究。结果 固体饮料中有害元素含量表现为Al>B>Cu>Ni>Cr>As>Pb>Cd>Hg。由于茶粉的添加, 茶固体饮料中铝平均含量高达49.4 mg/kg; 同时由于大豆粉的添加, 蛋白固体饮料中硼、铜和镍平均含量高达3.86、2.87和1.43 mg/kg。而以添加剂为主要原辅料的风味固体饮料和其他类固体饮料中9种有害元素的平均含量均低于总体的平均值。结论 固体饮料中由原辅料引入的有害元素污染风险较高, 而由食品添加剂引入的有害元素污染风险较低。
      Objective To establish a method for determination of harmful elements in solid beverages by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), so as to provide a reasonable reference for the determination and judgment of contaminants in solid beverage. Methods After sample preparation, ICP-MS was used to analyze the contents of lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury, aluminum, copper, nickel and boron in different kinds of solid beverages, their sources were also investigated. Results The results revealed that the mean concentrations of harmful elements in solid beverages were in the order: Al>B>Cu>Ni>Cr>As>Pb>Cd>Hg. As a result of the addition of tea powder, the average content of aluminum in powdered tea beverage was as high as 49.4 mg/kg. At the same time, the average contents of boron, copper and nickel in powdered protein beverage were 3.86, 2.87 and 1.43 mg/kg, respectively. While the average contents of nine harmful elements in powdered flavored beverages and other powdered beverages with additives as the main raw material were much lower than the average of the total samples. Conclusion The risk of contamination of harmful elements introduced by raw materials in solid beverages is higher, but the risk of harmful elements from food additives is lower.
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