Uncertainty evaluation in the determination of No.6 solvent residual in olive oil by headspace gas chromatography
投稿时间:2017-01-23  修订日期:2017-03-14
中文关键词:  顶空气相色谱法  六号溶剂  不确定度  橄榄油
英文关键词:headspace gas chromatography  No. 6 solvent  uncertainty  olive oil
许蓉蓉 广西柳州食品药品检验所 
XU Rong-Rong Liuzhou Institute for Food and Drug Control 
摘要点击次数: 1014
全文下载次数: 977
      目的 评定顶空气相色谱法测定橄榄油中六号溶剂残留量的不确定度。方法 运用JJF 1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》分析橄榄油中六号溶剂残留量测量过程中的不确定度来源, 通过建立数学模型量化不确定度分量, 计算合成不确定度和扩展不确定度。结果 本方法的不确定度主要来源于标准溶液的配制。当橄榄油中六号溶剂残留量为123.6 mg/kg, 扩展不确定度为8.8 mg/kg, 六号溶剂残留量表示为(123.6±8.8) mg/kg(k=2)。结论 该评定方法可为顶空气相色谱法对橄榄油中六号溶剂残留量的测量结果和方法的可靠性提供科学依据。
      Objective To evaluate the uncertainty of determination of No.6 solvent residual in olive oil by headspace gas chromatography (HS-GC). Method According to JJF 1059.12-2012 Evaluation and expression of uncertainty in measurement, the uncertainty sources in determination of No.6 solvent residual were analyzed. Furthermore, the combined uncertainty and expanded uncertainty were calculated based on the established mathematic models. Results The major uncertainty source in this method was preparation of standard solution. When the No.6 solvent residual content in olive oil was 123.6 mg/kg, the expanded uncertainty was 8.8 mg/kg, and the No.6 solvent residual content was expressed as (123.6±8.8) mg/kg (k=2). Conclusion The method can provide a scientific basis for the measurement results and the reliability of the method of headspace gas chromatography for the determination of No.6 solvent residual in olive oil.
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