崔 旸,何 涛,陈 艳,赵茜茜,李敬光,吴永宁.北京“十三五”时期食品安全风险评估与预警应急科技支撑工程[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2017,8(3):1062-1065
Science and technology support project for food safety risk assessment, early warning and emergency response in Beijing during the period of 13th Five-Year Plan
投稿时间:2017-01-10  修订日期:2017-02-16
中文关键词:  北京  食品安全  风险评估  预警  应急
英文关键词:Beijing  food safety  risk assessment  early warning  emergency response
崔 旸 北京市食品安全监控和风险评估中心 
何 涛 北京市食品安全监控和风险评估中心 
陈 艳 国家食品安全风险评估中心卫生部食品安全风险评估重点实验室 
赵茜茜 北京市食品安全监控和风险评估中心 
李敬光 国家食品安全风险评估中心卫生部食品安全风险评估重点实验室 
吴永宁 国家食品安全风险评估中心卫生部食品安全风险评估重点实验室 
CUI Yang Beijing Municipal Center for Food Safety Monitoring and Risk Assessment 
HE Tao Beijing Municipal Center for Food Safety Monitoring and Risk Assessment 
CHEN Yan Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment of Ministry of Health, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment 
ZHAO Xi-Xi Beijing Municipal Center for Food Safety Monitoring and Risk Assessment 
LI Jing-Guang Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment of Ministry of Health, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment 
WU Yong-Ning Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment of Ministry of Health, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment 
摘要点击次数: 892
全文下载次数: 1201
      北京的食品主要由外埠供应, 其食品安全环境日趋复杂, 未知风险、人为风险和衍生风险较大。风险产生的主要原因包括全国不同地区产业基础参差不齐、大宗农副产品供应链存在问题、未全面采用与国际接轨的风险评估和控制技术, 以及新技术、新工艺、新资源带来的食品安全新问题。“十三五”时期, 建议北京市不断完善首都居民营养物质摄入和危害物质膳食暴露数据库, 构建食品安全高风险物质毒理学评估技术平台、食源性致病菌和病因性食品溯源平台和食品安全预警应急体系。
      Beijing’s food is mainly supplied from other provinces, and its food safety environment becoming more and more complicated, with higher unknown risks, human risks and derivative risks. The main causes of these risks include unevenness of industrial bases in different regions of the country, problems in supply chain of primary agricultural and sideline products, failing to fully adopt risk assessment and control technologies with international standards, and new food safety issues brought by new technologies, new crafts and new resources. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the following platforms and systems are suggested to establish in Beijing, including technical platform for toxicological assessment of high-risk substances in food safety, traceability platform for foodborne pathogenic bacteria and implicated food, and early warning and emergency response system for food safety. Meanwhile, it is necessary to constantly improve the nutrient intake and hazardous substances dietary exposure database of Beijing residents.
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