Research progress on physical modification methods of protein
投稿时间:2016-11-26  修订日期:2017-01-21
中文关键词:  蛋白质改性  超高压  脉冲电场  超声  辐照  微波  射频
英文关键词:protein modification  high pressure treatment  pulsed electric field  ultrasonic  irradiation  microwave  radiofrequency
郭超凡 西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程学院 
王云阳 西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程学院 
GUO Chao-Fan College of Food Science & Engineering, Northwest A&F University 
WANG Yun-Yang College of Food Science & Engineering, Northwest A&F University 
摘要点击次数: 1402
全文下载次数: 1546
      蛋白质是食品中的重要组分之一, 其功能特性对食品的品质至关重要。蛋白质改性主要包括化学法、酶法、物理法以及基因工程等。相对于其他改性方法, 蛋白质的物理改性方法具有廉价、安全、处理时间短以及对产品营养性能影响较小等优点。而新兴的物理改性方法又具有低能耗、低温处理、产品品质高以及低消耗等优点。本文介绍了超高压、脉冲电场、超声、辐照、微波和射频处理等几种新的物理改性方法以及改性对蛋白功能性的影响, 以及各种方法亟需解决的问题等。目前, 新兴的物理改性方法还处于实验室阶段, 未广泛应用于食品工业中, 并且关于部分方法改性机理研究较少, 研究材料种类较少, 还需进一步扩展相关知识从而为蛋白质改性加工提供新思路。
      Protein is one of the most important components of food, and its functional properties are very important to the quality of food. The main protein modification methods mainly include chemical, enzyme, physical and genetic engineering, etc. Compared with other methods, physical modification has lots of advantages such as low cost, safety, short treatment time and smaller effects on nutrition. Moreover, novel Physical modification methods have advantages such as low energy cost, low treatment temperature, high product quality and low consumption in protein functionality. This paper summarized several novel physical modification techniques, such as high pressure treatment, pulsed electric field, ultrasonic, irradiation, microwave and radio frequency, as well as their effects on functional properties of protein and each pressing problems. Nowadays, the novel physical modification methods are still in the laboratory stage, not widely used in food industry. There is less information about the mechanism of some novel modification methods and materials types used in these methods. So we still need to furtherly extend knowledge so as to provide new ideas for protein modification processing.
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