Research progress of collagen polypeptide chelated calcium
投稿时间:2016-06-06  修订日期:2016-07-30
中文关键词:  胶原多肽  螯合钙  原料  制备  工艺
英文关键词:collagen polypeptide, chelated calcium, raw materials, preparation, technology
张志胜 河北农业大学食品科技学院 
韩晴 河北农业大学食品科技学院 
齐文聪 河北农业大学食品科技学院 
陈晨 河北农业大学食品科技学院 
戎平 河北农业大学食品科技学院 
ZHANG Zhi-Sheng Agricultural University of Hebei 
HAN Qing Agricultural University of Hebei 
QI Wen-Cong Agricultural University of Hebei 
CHEN Chen Agricultural University of Hebei 
RONG Ping Agricultural University of Hebei 
摘要点击次数: 1204
全文下载次数: 1703
      目前我国居民钙摄入量不足, 普遍存在缺钙现象, 传统的补钙制剂存在缺陷, 将逐步被新型钙制剂所取代。胶原多肽螯合钙作为新型生物钙制剂, 具有吸收效率高、无副作用、服用方便等特点, 是一种良好的补钙产品。近些年来, 许多学者研究胶原多肽螯合钙, 为补钙产品提供了新思路。胶原多肽作为其原料的一部分, 与钙螯合后可以帮助钙的转运和吸收, 被一起摄入后兼补了两种营养素。从一些动物加工的副产物中可以提取胶原多肽和钙, 利用他们为原料制备胶原多肽螯合钙有利于副产物的高值化, 也为副产物的利用提供了新途径。本文主要对胶原多肽螯合钙的原料制备、螯合工艺、螯合效果的影响因素、发展前景进行了概述。
      The calcium intake of Chinese residents is insufficient at present, andthe calcium deficiency phenomenon is widespread . The deficiency of traditional calcium preparation will gradually be replaced by the new type of calcium preparations. As a new biological calcium preparation, collagen polypeptide chelated calcium has the characteristics of high absorption efficiency, no side effects, taking convenience and so on, which is a good calcium product. In recent years, many scholars studied collagen polypeptide chelated calcium, which provided new ideas for calcium products. As part of its raw materials, collagen polypeptide can help calcium transport and absorption after chelation with calcium, thus will supply two kinds of nutrients after intake together. The collagen polypeptide and calcium extracted from some animal by-products are always used as the raw materials to prepare the collagen polypeptide chelated calcium which is beneficial to improve high value of the by-products and provides a new way for the utilization of by-products. This review summarized the preparation of collagen polypeptide chelated calcium, process of chelate, influencing factors of chelate effect and development prospects.
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