罗 祎,张钊萌,杜 军,董 峰,马 理,马晓忱.食品链质量安全追溯体系的建立[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2016,7(6):2175-2178
Establishment of the quality and safety traceability system for food chain
投稿时间:2016-04-19  修订日期:2016-06-15
中文关键词:  食品安全法  追溯  内部追溯  生产加工
英文关键词:Food Safety Law  traceability  internal traceability  production and processing
罗 祎 中国检验检疫科学研究院 
张钊萌 中检万诚通联科技(北京)有限公司 
杜 军 中检万诚通联科技(北京)有限公司 
董 峰 中检万诚通联科技(北京)有限公司 
马 理 中检万诚通联科技(北京)有限公司 
马晓忱 中检万诚通联科技(北京)有限公司 
LUO Yi Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine 
ZHANG Zhao-Meng CAIQ-WCCETL Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd. 
DU Jun CAIQ-WCCETL Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd. 
DONG Feng CAIQ-WCCETL Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd. 
MA Li CAIQ-WCCETL Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd. 
MA Xiao-Chen CAIQ-WCCETL Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd. 
摘要点击次数: 1533
全文下载次数: 1051
      2015年实施新修订的《食品安全法》中第42条规定:“国家应建立食品安全全程追溯制度”。随着食品工业化的发展和消费者对食品安全要求的提高, 建立食品全程追溯系统,对于不安全食品的召回以及查找食品链中的不安全问题点将起到非常重大作用,已成为食品安全保障工作的重要措施。根据追溯涉及到的食品供应链组织, 可以将追溯划分为内部追溯和外部追溯。食品链中食品生产加工环节的追溯就属于内部追溯, 目前我国较多食品企业尚未建立完整的食品安全管理体系且自动化程度较低, 另外我国食品企业生产的食品种类繁多,缺少指导性文件导致内部追溯存在较大的困难。本文对食品生产加工环节追溯的现状与发展进行概述, 建议通过健全同类产品追溯系统以及提高食品企业自动化程度建立完善的企业内部追溯系统, 以更好地保障食品安全工作。
      The article 42th of the newly revised Food Safety Law implemented in 2015 says that, the state shall establish full traceability of food safety system. With the development of food industrialization and the customer requirements of food safety, traceability system has played a very important role in recalling unsafe food and finding food in the chain of insecurity, and has developed into an important part of the work to improve food safety. According to the traceability of food supply chain involved in organizations, it can be divided into internal traceability and external traceability. Food production and processing link in the food chain belongs to the internal traceability. More food enterprises in our country have not yet set up a complete food safety management system and have low degree of automation and wide variety of food, so as to lead to greater difficulty to follow due to the lack of specific guidance internal documents. This article overviewed the situation and development of food production and processing traceability, and suggested that internal traceability should be established to ensure food safety, based on the improvement of traceability system for similar products and the automation degree of food enterprises.
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