Detection of edible alcohol and industrial alcohol by spectral technique
投稿时间:2016-03-29  修订日期:2016-06-15
中文关键词:  食用酒精  工业酒精  吸收光谱  透射光谱  紫外-可见光-近红外光谱法
英文关键词:edible alcohol  industrial alcohol  absorption spectra  transmission spectra  ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectroscopy
严峰 南昌航空大学测试与光电工程学院 
杨俊杰 南昌航空大学测试与光电工程学院 
史久林 南昌航空大学测试与光电工程学院 
YAN Feng School of Test and Opto Electronic Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University 
YANG Jun-Jie School of Test and Opto Electronic Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University 
SHI Jiu-Lin School of Test and Opto Electronic Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University 
摘要点击次数: 1818
全文下载次数: 2629
      目的 建立一种食用酒精和工业酒精的快速光谱检测方法。方法 样品经提取和蒸馏水配制, 分为甲醇分析纯和乙醇分析纯对照组、工业酒精和食用酒精实验组、浓度均为50%的工业酒精水溶液和食用酒精水溶液实验组和浓度均为50%的甲醇水溶液和工业酒精水溶液以及食用酒精水溶液实验组。使用光谱仪和紫外可见近红外分光光度计进行光谱检测。结果 在10 min内完成对照组和实验组样品溶液配制, 5 min获得样品紫外-可见光-近红外光谱。在光谱中, 浓度为50%的工业酒精水溶液在220 nm和1150 nm处均有一个不同的特征峰, 在200~300 nm波段有很大的强度差异, 对比浓度均为50%的甲醇水溶液和食用酒精水溶液显示只有浓度为50%的工业酒精水溶液在200~300 nm波段内有特征峰。结论 该方法检测快速、结果准确、操作简单。通过检测酒类产品在200~1400 nm波长范围的光谱, 可以测定工业酒精和食用酒精的真假。
      Objective To establish a rapid detection method of industrial alcohol and edible alcohol. Method Samples were extracted and prepared by distilled water, respectively, and divided into methanol analysis pure and ethanol analysis pure control group, industrial alcohol and edible alcohol experimental group, 50% industrial alcohol aqueous solution and 50% edible alcohol aqueous solution experimental group, 50% methanol aqueous solution and 50% industrial alcohol aqueous solution as well as 50% edible alcohol aqueous solution experimental group. A spectrometer and an ultraviolet visible near infrared spectrophotometer were used to spectral detection. Results Solutions of the control group and the experimental group were completely prepared in 10 minutes and UV-Vis-NIR spectra of samples were obtained in 5 minutes. In the spectra, 50% industrial alcohol aqueous solution had 2 different characteristic peaks at 220 nm and 1150 nm. There were intensity differences at the wavelength of 200~300 nm. Comparison of 50% methanol aqueous solution and 50% edible alcohol aqueous solution, only 50% industrial alcohol aqueous solution had a characteristic peak at the wavelength of 200~300 nm. Conclusion The method is fast, accurate and easy to operate. By detecting the spectrum of the liquor products at the wavelength of 200~1400 nm, the authenticity of industrial alcohol and edible alcohol can be determined.
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