Aanalysis of the subjective and objective evaluation techniques on food texture
投稿时间:2016-01-28  修订日期:2016-02-25
中文关键词:  食品质感性能  感官分析  仪器测量  质感性能综合分析
英文关键词:food texture  sensory evaluation  instrument measurement  texture profile analysis
徐献忠 郑州大学力学与工程科学学院 
刘大全 郑州大学力学与工程科学学院 
刘雯雯 郑州大学力学与工程科学学院 
XU Xianzhong School of Mechanics & Engineering Science, Zhengzhou University 
Liu Daquan School of Mechanics & Engineering Science, Zhengzhou University 
LIU Wen-Wen School of Mechanics & Engineering Science, Zhengzhou University 
摘要点击次数: 1060
全文下载次数: 2139
      食品的质感性能是固体或半固体食品的四大质量要素之一, 强烈地影响着消费者对产品的接受程度和消费意愿。对食品质感性能的评价与检测, 是改进产品设计和生产工艺、控制产品质量、满足消费者需要、提高企业效益不可或缺的技术手段。食品质感性能评价技术传入我国已有多年, 各种先进的检测方法和试验设备已被广大食品研发人员所接受, 但在使用过程中, 主客观分析结果所表现出来的巨大偏离, 一直困扰着许多研究人员, 严重制约着食品质感性能分析技术的推广和发展。本文试图从定义及发展过程出发, 阐述食品质感性能主客观分析技术的基本原理及使用过程可能存在的误区, 并根据作者的学术背景, 从力学的角度提出了食品质感性能及其评价方法今后发展的一些思考。
      Food texture is one of the quality attributes of the solid or semi-solid foods, which strongly influences the consumer’s acceptance and expectation to product. The evaluation and measurement of food texture is an indispensable technical mean on the improvement of product design and production processes, the control of product quality, the satisfaction of consumer needs and the increase of economic benefits of food industry. The evaluation technology of food texture has been introduced into China for many years, a variety of advanced testing methods and equipments have been accepted by the majority of food researchers and food development engineers. However, the great deviation between the results obtained by both of the subjective and objective analysis lead to the puzzling doubts which have stayed in many researchers’ mind for a long time. This has seriously restricted the promotion and development of food texture analysis techniques. Based on the definition and development of the food texture, present paper attempted to discuss the basic principles of the subjective and objective analysis methodologies and the possible misunderstanding during their applications. According to the author's academic background, a thought on the development of the study and evaluation methods of food texture in the future, from the point of view of the mechanics, is also presented.
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