Research progress on evaluation methods of antioxidants
投稿时间:2015-11-21  修订日期:2016-02-01
中文关键词:  抗氧化剂  自由基  氧化应激  动力学  间接体内
英文关键词:antioxidants  free radicals  oxidative stress  kinetic  ex vivo
马丽 呼伦贝尔市食品药品检验所 
孙汇 呼伦贝尔市食品药品检验所 
MA Li Food and Drug Control Institution of Hulun Buir 
SUN Hui Food and Drug Control Institution of Hulun Buir 
摘要点击次数: 1410
全文下载次数: 1790
      评价抗氧化剂的常用分析方法有以下3个共有问题: 第一, 常以清除自由基的能力评价抗氧化剂, 但其仅是组成人体抗氧化网络的小部分, 并且酶在此起了主要作用; 第二, 通过不同方法确定的抗氧化剂的能力和潜能没有必然的联系; 第三, 大多数抗氧化剂的评价方法建立在溶液的反应中, 与其在水油界面如细胞膜、脂蛋白中的反应没有必然联系。在溶液和生物系统以及脂质模型氧化反应中, 抗氧化剂的作用效果不同。在某些特定条件下, 水溶性抗氧化剂和脂溶性抗氧化剂会促进甚至诱导过氧化反应。因此, 本文着重介绍生物标记物的动力学研究, 使生物体内氧化应激的相关特性通过间接体内脂质过氧化反应的动力学表现出来。同时利用分析抗氧化剂的方法来评价氧化应激特性, 使生物系统模型中抗氧化剂的效用量化, 并确定使氧化反应延滞期延长一倍时间时抗氧化剂的使用量(C2lag), 此量值可以表达在相关系统中抗氧化剂的强度。同时对在生物医学背景下, 抗氧化剂的抗氧化能力评价进行展望。
      The commonly used assays utilized for ranking antioxidants exist three common problems: firstly, it usually evaluates the effects of antioxidants that quench free radicals, which constitutes only a part of the body’s anti-oxidative network, in which enzymes play the central role. Secondly, both the capacity and potency of antioxidants, obtained by various methods, do not necessarily correlate with each other. Thirdly, most evaluation methods are established based on methods conducted in solution and not necessarily relevant to processes that occur at the lipid–water interfaces in both membranes and lipoproteins. The capacity and potency of antioxidants are context-dependent, have much more different effects on peroxidation between solutions, biology systems and lipid models. Under certain conditions, both water soluble antioxidants and lipid soluble antioxidants can promote or even induce peroxidation. Therefore kinetic studies of the bio-marker were introduced and the most relevant characteristic of oxidative stress in the biological context was the kinetics of ex vivo peroxidation of lipids. These protocols meant that antioxidants were assayed by methods commonly used to evaluate oxidative stress. It enabled quantization of the antioxidants’ efficacy in biological system models. The paper proposed studying how much antioxidant was required to double the lag observed prior to rapid peroxidation. The quantity (C2lag) could be used to express the strength of antioxidants in the relevant system. Evaluation capacity and potency of antioxidants about biomedicine were also prospected.
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