许迪莘,代凤英,杨 寅,邓 奕,杜庆庆,陈 旭,张 远,杜美红.明胶及酪蛋白作为封闭剂及保存稳定剂在 免疫磁球制备中的应用[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(12):4955-4960
明胶及酪蛋白作为封闭剂及保存稳定剂在 免疫磁球制备中的应用
Application of gelatin and casein as blocking agent and stabilizer in preparation of immunomagnetic beads
投稿时间:2015-11-20  修订日期:2015-12-03
中文关键词:  免疫磁球  明胶  酪蛋白  封闭液  保存液
英文关键词:immunomagnetic beads  gelatin  casein  blocking agent  preservation solution
许迪莘 北京市科学器材公司 
代凤英 北京市理化分析测试中心(北京市食品安全分析测试工程技术研究中心) 
杨 寅 北京市科学器材公司 
邓 奕 北京市科学器材公司 
杜庆庆 北京市科学器材公司 
陈 旭 北京市科学器材公司 
张 远 北京市科学器材公司 
杜美红 北京市理化分析测试中心(北京市食品安全分析测试工程技术研究中心) 
XU Di-Xin Beijing Scientific Instruments & Materials Corp 
DAI Feng-Ying Beijing Center for Physical & Chemical Analysis (Beijing Engineering Research Center of Food Safety Analysis) 
YANG Yin Beijing Scientific Instruments & Materials Corp 
DENG Yi Beijing Scientific Instruments & Materials Corp 
DU Qing-qing Beijing Scientific Instruments & Materials Corp 
CHEN Xu Beijing Scientific Instruments & Materials Corp 
ZHANG Yuan Beijing Scientific Instruments & Materials Corp 
DU Mei-Hong Beijing Center for Physical & Chemical Analysis (Beijing Engineering Research Center of Food Safety Analysis) 
摘要点击次数: 1606
全文下载次数: 2559
      目的 研究免疫磁球封闭剂及保存稳定液的性能, 以保证微生物捕获效果。方法 以沙门氏菌为目标捕获物, 通过制备抗沙门氏菌免疫磁球, 将明胶和酪蛋白作为封闭液及保存液成分, 对免疫磁球特异性捕获及免疫磁球的保存周期进行了研究。结果 7.5%明胶溶液作为免疫磁球的封闭液时, 免疫磁球非特异性吸附低于5%, 1%酪蛋白的结果高于10%; 保存液中添加1‰酪蛋白和1‰明胶, 在37 ℃条件下放置3 d后, 免疫磁球的特异性捕获率在70%以上。结论 明胶作为封闭剂可以降低免疫磁球的非特异性吸附, 1‰明胶与1‰酪蛋白在保存液中共同作用有助于免疫磁球抗体活性的保存。
      Objective To research the performance of the blocking agent and storage stable liquid of im-munomagnetic beads, and to guarantee the capture efficiency of microorganism. Methods The gelatin and casein were used as blocking agent and preservation solution in the preparation of anti-Salmonella immunomagnetic beads. The specific capture rate and shelf life of the immunomagnetic beads were obtained and examined. Results The non-specific binding rate of Escherichia coli was less than 5% after blocking the immunomagnetic beads with 7.5% of gelatin, the specific binding rate maintained above 70% after 3 d at 37 ℃ when the beads were preserved in 1 ‰ of casein and 1 ‰ of gelatin.. Conclusion As ablocking agent, gelatin could reduce the non-specific binding of immunomagnetic beads, and 1 ‰ of gelatin with 1 ‰ of casein in the preservation solution exhibited a conducive ability to keep the activity of antibody on immunomagnetic beads.
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