杨立新,王丽英,刘印平,路杨.基于文献计量学的河流污染物通量领域热点 研究方向分析[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(10):3839-3848
基于文献计量学的河流污染物通量领域热点 研究方向分析
Analysis on the hot research topics of the river pollutant flux based on bib-liometrics
投稿时间:2015-08-10  修订日期:2015-09-09
中文关键词:  文献计量学  河流污染物通量  WOS数据库
英文关键词:bibliometrics  river pollutant flux  WOS database
杨立新 河北省疾病预防控制中心, 河北省食品安全风险监测重点实验室; 北京大学环境科学与工程学院 
王丽英 河北省疾病预防控制中心, 河北省食品安全风险监测重点实验室 
刘印平 河北省疾病预防控制中心, 河北省食品安全风险监测重点实验室 
路杨 河北省疾病预防控制中心, 河北省食品安全风险监测重点实验室 
YANG Li-Xin Hebei Provincal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Monitoring; College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University 
WANG Li-Ying Hebei Provincal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Monitoring 
LIU Yin-Ping Hebei Provincal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Monitoring 
LU Yang Hebei Provincal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Monitoring 
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      目的 对河流污染物通量领域的研究热点进行研究。方法 本文通过以WOS数据库为基础, 运用文献计量学的基本方法, 对1995~2013年间收录的与河流污染物通量主题相关的文献进行了计量分析。结果 河流污染物通量领域是最近发展起来的热门研究领域, 研究重心主要在沉淀、营养、重金属等方面。结论 美国在该领域研究水平处于世界领先, 其次是中国。中国在该领域的研究具有热门但影响不大的特点。另外, 近期的河流污染物通量研究显示出缓慢增加的态势, 需要新的突破来促进其发展。
      Objective To investigate the research hotspot in the river pollutant flux field. Methods In this paper, literatures about the river pollutants flux between 1995~2013 were studied on the base of WOS database. The research hotpot was analyzed based on bibliometrics. Results The river pollutant flux was the popular research field recently, and its research focus included precipitation, nutrition and heavy metals, etc. Conclusion The research level of the United States is the most advanced, and followed by China. In this area, there are a lot of literature from China, but few of them have profound effect. In addition, the number of literature of river contaminants fluxes increases slowly, so it needs new breakthroughs to promote the development.
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