赵玉庭,李佳蕙,靳 洋,苏 博,何 鑫,张昀昌.盐渍海蜇脱铝研究及安全食用建议[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(10):4003-4010 |
盐渍海蜇脱铝研究及安全食用建议 |
Research of salted jellyfish products dealumination and safety guidelines |
投稿时间:2015-07-18 修订日期:2015-09-05 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 海蜇 铝 弱酸 脱铝 食品安全 |
英文关键词:jellyfish products aluminum weak acid dealumination food safety |
基金项目:农业部海蜇铝产品铝安全性应急调查项目 |
摘要点击次数: 1377 |
全文下载次数: 1406 |
中文摘要: |
目的 采用不同弱酸浸泡盐渍海蜇脱铝,探讨海蜇产品铝含量超标安全风险,研究降低海蜇产品铝含量的食用方法。方法 采用高纯水、盐酸、冰醋酸、柠檬酸以及食用醋5种不同溶液分别浸泡不同铝含量的盐渍海蜇除去盐渍海蜇中的铝,分析实验前后铝含量及观察实验前后样品感官变化。结果 水浸泡法对降低海蜇中残留铝的效果有限;盐酸与柠檬酸溶液有较好的脱铝效果,但脱铝后海蜇样品韧性变差,品质下降;冰醋酸与食用醋溶液有较好的脱铝效果,且脱铝后海蜇样品有光泽,柔软饱满、有弹性,冰醋酸浓度为0.1mol/L浸泡4h时和食用醋浓度为体积比1/9 浸泡4h时,是最佳的浸泡浓度及时间,脱铝后海蜇样品铝含量符合SC/T 3210-2001《盐渍海蜇皮和盐渍海蜇头》中明矾含量使用规定。结论 建议生产者在生产即食海蜇时增加冰醋酸溶液浸泡工序,消费者在食用盐渍海蜇时进行食用醋溶液浸泡,以降低铝残留危害。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To discuss the risk of aluminum exceeding content in jellyfish product and study the method to reduce aluminum content in salted jellyfish product. Methods Highly purified water, hydrochloric acid, glacial acetic acid, citric acid and vinegar were used to soak salted jellyfish samples with different aluminum content in order to remove aluminum, then the aluminum content in the samples were determined and sensory changes after the experiment were observed. Results Aluminum content in water soaked jellyfish was only slightly reduced. Although the effects of hydrochloric acid and citric acid soaking in aluminum content reduction were good, the toughness of those samples declined after soaking, which leaded to worse quality. Glacial acetic acid and vinegar solution had a better effect on dealumination and jellyfishs sample became shiny, soft and flexible after soaking. The optimal dealumination condition was soaking with 0.1 mol/L glacial acetic acid for 4 h with the vinegar/water concentration ratio of 1/9. Conclusion It is recommended that the producers can add acetic acid soaking process in the process of jellyfish producing and consumers can soak salted jellyfish with acetic acid before eating. |
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