宫春波,王朝霞,伍海燕,董峰光,孙月琳.烟台海域海产品中副溶血弧菌的膳食 暴露风险定量评价[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(9):3485-3490
烟台海域海产品中副溶血弧菌的膳食 暴露风险定量评价
Study on dietary exposure quantitative risk evaluation of Vibrio parahaemo-lyticus from sea food in Yantai
投稿时间:2015-05-30  修订日期:2015-09-06
中文关键词:  海产品  副溶血弧菌  暴露风险  定量评价
英文关键词:sea foods  Vibrio parahemolyticus  exposure risk  quantitative assessment
宫春波 烟台市疾病预防控制中心 食品营养科 
王朝霞 烟台市疾病预防控制中心 食品营养科 
伍海燕 烟台市疾病预防控制中心 食品营养科 
董峰光 烟台市疾病预防控制中心 食品营养科 
孙月琳 烟台市疾病预防控制中心 食品营养科 
GONG Chun-Bo Food Nutrition Department, Yantai Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
WANG Zhao-Xia Food Nutrition Department,Yantai Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
WU Hai-Yan Food Nutrition Department,Yantai Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
DONG Feng-Guang Food Nutrition Department,Yantai Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
SUN Yue-Lin Food Nutrition Department,Yantai Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
摘要点击次数: 1419
全文下载次数: 1181
      目的 获得烟台海域海产品中副溶血弧菌的(Vibrio parahemolyticus, VP)致病风险值, 量化描述海产品中VP的膳食暴露风险。方法 以贝塔-泊松模型(Beta-poison)作为剂量-反应模型, 运用@Risk 软件拟合海产品中VP的概率分布以及计算基于蒙特卡罗模拟的量化风险值。 结果 烟台15~64岁居民摄食单份(可食部,100 g/份)海产品的VP发病总体风险均值为3.824×10-5, 年均发病率为0.00502次/人?年。贝类致病风险均值和年均发病率最高, 分别为1.027×10-4、2.14×10-3。致病风险均值和年均发病率由大到小为: 贝类>其他类>海藻类>头足类>甲壳类>鱼类。7~9月份海产品中VP的致病风险均值和人均发病率分别为9.673±6.631×10-5和0.00633±0.00434次/人?季度, 远高于4~6月份和10~11月份。结论 烟台海域海产品中存在VP致病风险, 贝类中VP致病风险值较高, 7~9月份是高风险时间节点; 海产品中VP污染是引起烟台常住居民食源性疾病的主要病原菌之一, 尤其夏季控制海产品中VP的污染量, 能够有效的降低VP致病风险。
      Objective To know the dietary exposure risk of Vibrio parahemolyticus contaminated in sea foods in Yantai, and quantitatively describe the dietary exposure risk to the residents of Yantai. Methods The Beta-poison model was used to describe dose-response effect for Vibrio parahemolyticus of sea foods. The probability distribution and quantitative risk values of Vibrio parahemolyticus from sea foods were simulated by @Risk software. Results The total exposure risk mean value of single portion sea foods was 3.824×10-5 and annual morbidity was 0.00502 for 15~64 years old residents of Yantai. The shellfishes has the highest exposure risk value (1.027×10-4) and annual morbidity (2.14×10-3) followed by others, seaweeds, cephalopodas, crustaceas and fishes. The exposure risk (9.673±6.631×10-5) and annual morbidity (0.00633±0.00434 per person every quarter) of VP in sea foods from July to September was higher than that from Apirl to June and in October and Novermber. Conclusion The sea foods of Yantai generally have higher pathogenic risk caused by VP. A higher exposure risk value was found among the shellfishes and during the period from July to September. Vibrio parahemolyticus contaminated sea foods in Yantai was the main pathogenic bacteria that could cause food-borne disease. The best way to reduce exposure risk is controlling the contamination level for, particularly during the period from July to September.
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