杨亚飞,胡烨敏,钱 蔚,曾燕媚,游景水,杨祖伟.多种蜂胶中总黄酮检测方法的适用性研究[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(9):3708-3712
Applicability of methods for detection of total flavone in multiple propolis
投稿时间:2015-03-16  修订日期:2015-09-16
中文关键词:  蜂胶  总黄酮  分光光度法  含量测定
英文关键词:propolis  total flavone  spectrophotometry  content determination
杨亚飞 汤臣倍健股份有限公司 
胡烨敏 广州市宜健医学技术发展有限公司 
钱 蔚 汤臣倍健股份有限公司 
曾燕媚 广州市宜健医学技术发展有限公司 
游景水 汤臣倍健股份有限公司 
杨祖伟 汤臣倍健股份有限公司 
YANG Ya-Fei By-Health Co., Ltd. 
HU Ye-Min Guangzhou Yi-Jian Biomedical Technology Development Co., Ltd. 
QIAN Wei By-Health Co., Ltd. 
ZENG Yan-Mei Guangzhou Yi-Jian Biomedical Technology Development Co., Ltd. 
YOU Jing-Shui By-Health Co., Ltd. 
YANG Zu-Wei By-Health Co., Ltd. 
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      目的 通过3种分光光度法之间差异的比较和适用性考量, 筛选出适合检测蜂胶中总黄酮含量的分光光度法。方法 采用同批次样品, 对蜂胶(国产蜂胶和巴西绿蜂胶)中总黄酮检测方法进行回收率和含量测定, 并对结果进行分析。结果 巴西绿蜂胶粉3种方法的检测结果为4.99~9.34 g/100 g; 国产蜂胶粉3种方法的检测结果为7.82~17.97 g/100 g, 其RSD为24.2%~31.2%; 可见3种方法测定结果偏差较大。结论 GB/T 20574-2006的方法最适合蜂胶中总黄酮的检测。
      Objective To choose the best method for detection of the total flavone content in propolis by comparing the differences of 3 spectrophotometry methods. Methods The content of total flavone in the samples (domestic propolis and Brazilian green propolis) from the same batch was determined by the 3 different methods respectively and the results were analyzed. Results By different methods, the content of total flavone was 4.99~9.34 g/100 g in green propolis, and 7.82~17.97 g/100 g in domestic propolis, with the RSD of 24.2%~31.2%. There was a big deviation among the 3 methods. Conclusion The method from GB/T 20574-2006 is the best one to determine the total flavone content in propolis.
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